Business Source Complete (EBSCO) seems to need translator

I cannot download pdf files as well as citation information from Business Source Complete (which is hosted by EBSCO).

I tried all instructions in help pages, but couldn't figure out the way to solve the problem. I hope the issue to be solved soon. (or... I'm missing something.)

Thank you in advance.
  • what exactly is happening? No icon? Zotero freezing? Ebsco (including business source premier) works fine for me.
    post the exact link that isnĀ“t working (even if you're going through a proxy - often that's the issue).
    Make sure you have read and followed all the instructions on the troubleshooting page.
  • I have a problem too.

    I have "attach .pdfs" option on (in my Zotero preferences) and the "save snapshot" option off. When I try to save an article, it imports information correctly into the "info" tab. However, instead of saving the .pdf, it saves a "web snapshot" of the article's CITATION page. It does not save the .pdf file at all. It does not even try to save a copy of the "full .pdf" page."
  • anybody know if works?
    I requested a translator for it some time ago, but seems it doesn't have one yet.
  • I am a librarian at a CSU library where I have been promoting Zotero heavily for the last two years. But today I found problems that I don't remember or never knew before.

    Business Source Premier is an Ebsco database, but it has an different interface from other Ebsco databases. On list result, yellow folder appears but gives the error "Could not Save Item." I checked known translator issues, but didn't seem this one. In the item view, the article icon appears, but also gives a could-not-save message. URL is

    ProQuest's ABI/INFORM Complete is not listed as a know issue, but it doesn't sense at all (no icons), in either list view or item view. URL is

    Emerald doesn't sense in the list view, but does sense in the item view.

    I am using Zotero 2.1.10. I am using Firefox 3.6.23. I have made sure all translators are updated via the preferences tab.

    Thank you for any help/information you can prove on these important business databases.
  • Proquest just needs a small fix - if you search in all databases it works, it just doesn't recognize the abicomplete URL - we'll need to think how to best to that, try this:
    Download to the translator folder in your Zotero data directory replacing the old file of the same name. Restart Firefox, it should start working again. If it does, we should be able to get this to Zotero clients automatically pretty soon - not all of your students will need to do this manually.

    I don't know about Business Source - EBSCO is always a bit complicated.
    Do you have a link to Emerald search results?
  • For EBSCO - this might be hard for us to fix, as Business Source for me (and I assume ajlyon) goes through the regular EBSCO interface, where it works.
    I'd recommend just using EBSCO's citation export function (use the setting for Endnote et al) which work fine.
  • edited October 14, 2011
    Emerald search results:
  • Yes?

    And the ProQuest ABI fix just worked. Wonderful!
  • edited October 14, 2011
    the 'see above' referred to proquest.
    Emeraldinsight currently does not have a working translator - the single pages just pick up the DOI which Zotero looks up on CrossRef - they have good metadata, though, so I should be able to do this soon.

    edit - the new proquest translator should make it to the clients in the next two or three days, if not earlier.
  • Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. :-)
  • Emerald and ProQuest changes have been committed-- update translators from the Zotero prefs to get them immediately.

    Thanks to adamsmith for the great work!
  • edited August 10, 2013
    Is this one not working again? I am trying to save a bunch of hits from Ebsco Business Complete, but I get no results (and I AM using 'new search). Debug ID is D1878048756.
  • Update: please disregard. I just tried the exact same query on my home computer (I'm away from home right now, but always have teamviewer on), and there it DID work. So it must be a configuration issue on my notebook...
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