Chicago full note and urls

I am using Chicago full note and even with the Zotero-Prefs-cite-Style buton unchecked underneath to not include urls in citations, the url comes out the same.
it is with a book section, I do have a under "pages" a page range. I have tried several formats, like:
139 - 148

using different lines between the numbers.
The book is in German and I do have the language "de" inserted.

Any ideas?
  • If you have a URL in the URL field for a book chapter, it should probably be included in citations for Chicago style (or it shouldn't be in the URL field).
  • But when Zotero Prefs gives the option to not include URLs in journals, newspapers etc., when a page range is included in the item, then shouldn't it not be included?
  • The preference doesn't say "etc." it says, "journal, magazine, and newspaper articles" and that's exactly what it applies to. The reason is that these articles very commonly exist in identical online and offline versions and it is common to cite the print version even when accessing it online.
    That's not the case for books or book chapters. If you access those online, you should typically cite the online version.
  • Thank you for your reply and apologises for the lack of clarity in my message.
    The "etc." applied referred to a continuation of the quotation in the Styles window, under "Style manager", "Citation options". (Zotero-Prefs-cite-styles)

    I have several newspaper articles that, when cited in footnotes, still include the URL even when the button "include URLs of paper articles in references" is unchecked.

    I am wondering if other people use Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (Full note) with references in various languages and formats. Thank you again
  • but those newspaper articles wouldn't have a page range than, correct? Again, that's as described in the text under the checkbox.

    I'm a bit confused what you're trying to get at. Chicago Manual is a specific citation style as described in the Chicago Manual of Styles, 16th edition. I believe that Zotero's version of that style is a very faithful implementation.
    If you think there is a discrepancy between the style and the manual, you can let us know about that and we'll check and if applicable fix it.
    None of the problems you've mentioned here has anything to do with the language of the sources. FWIW, I used sources in three languages in my dissertation written in Chicago style without any problems.
  • Thank you again, you did not mention with Chicago style. There are three styles within Zotero: (author-date), (full note) and (note).
    I am using the (full note) style.

    For a newspaper article, I inserted a page range (178-179) and only one number (178) and neither work.
    If I use Chicago (note), the URL does not appear, when i use Chicago (full note) in Zotero, with the button under "Citation options" unchecked, the URL appears in the footnote..
    Thank you
    I am using Zotero
  • OK, I'll check on that.
  • works correctly for me. Can you replicate this in a fresh document citing just those items?
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