Online class for college paper

I have been using Zotero for the past few years and absolutely love it. This fall I started online classes, and I my teacher informed me that my citations were all messed up when she received my paper that I sent to her through the "drop box" The following is the error she received in my document.

“in violent, riotous, or tumultuous manner” ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"1ql0eec3ll","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(AP Associated Press, n.d., p. 2)","plainCitation":"(AP Associated Press, n.d., p. 2)"},"citationItems":[{"id":580,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":580,"type":"webpage","title":"AP EXPLAINS: Montana's 'stand your ground law'","container-title":"Yahoo News","abstract":"a

Is this normal? Can I not send my papers this way? Is there any suggestions on how to fix this? I have a huge paper due in this class in two weeks and now I am fearful that I cannot use Zotero. Thank you.

Lisa I.
  • Tell them to just hit alt+F9 in Word (alt+FN+Word if they're on a Mac). The problem is that they have Word set up to show field codes (which is where Zotero stores all citation information; it's also e.g. what Word uses for cross references, automatic dates etc.). It has nothing to do with Dropbox.
  • I love you! I actually did that to my own document and that is exactly what happened, it went from the regular document to the field codes. And, you amazingly helped me within less than ten minutes. Thank you so much for you help! And thank you Zotero for an excellent program. I am sending the word out to everyone I know!
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