Export from zotero to biblatex


I have used a combination of zotero with better biblatex and the zotero autoexport to set up the .bib-file for my latex document.
Since July (I assume due to a Firefox update) this solution doesn't work anymore and I don't know why.

1. Zotero autoexport says it exported the bibliography but in fact it didn't (complains of wrong path even though I haven't changed anything.

2. I tried to set up my .bib-file by using the export function of zotero. I need to use better biblatex to generate the correct citekey. But instead of

title = {Multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy detects specific inferior-frontal activation during incongruent Stroop trials},
volume = {69},
url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301051104001619},
doi = {10.1016/j.biopsycho.2004.09.003},
timestamp = {2014-08-23 09:41:11},
number = {3},
urldate = {2014-08-23},
journal = {Biological Psychology},
author = {Ehlis, A. -C. and Herrmann, M. J. and Wagener, A. and Fallgatter, A. J.},
month = jul,
year = {2005},
keywords = {Cognitive interference,Near-infrared spectroscopy,NIRS,Optical topography,Stroop task},
pages = {315--331}

the same citation is now exported as

title = {Multi-channel near-infrared spectroscopy detects specific inferior-frontal activation during incongruent {Stroop} trials},
volume = {69},
url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301051104001619},
doi = {10.1016/j.biopsycho.2004.09.003},
timestamp = {2014-08-23T09:41:11Z},
number = {3},
journaltitle = {Biological {Psychology}},
shortjournal = {Biological {Psychology}},
author = {Ehlis, {A}. -{C}. and {Herrmann}, {M}. {J}. and {Wagener}, {A}. and {Fallgatter}, {A}. {J}.},
urldate = {2014-08-23},
date = {2005-07},
pages = {315--331},
keywords = {Cognitive interference,Near-infrared spectroscopy,NIRS,Optical topography,Stroop task}

So Latex is complaining about
! LaTeX Error: Command \texteuro unavailable in encoding T1.

It seems like this problem is known for Lyx but should be solved by using biblatex which I do.

I'm very grateful for every hint!

Best regards
  • what do you get with Zotero's built-in BibLaTeX export? (for testing)
  • The other thought is that I don't really see why that error would be caused by the export above: there is no Euro sign (i.e. \texteuro) in there. I'm not sure the curly brackets around authors are correct, but that's the only thing that looks odd to me. (The other curly brackets are exactly right).
  • (The other curly brackets are exactly right).
    Are they? "Stroop" in the title should be bracketed to preserve the case of the proper noun, but why are the occurrences of "Psychology" in both the journaltitle and shortjournal fields bracketed? Not that this should lead to any compilation errors or anything, but it seems like a strange implementation to me.
  • yeah, we don't do this in our bibtex (looks like we don't currently bracket in biblatex at all, which we should fix).

    I'm not sure what the right behavior is on journal titles -- if they are title cased in Zotero, shouldn't said title case be generally preserved for bib(la)tex? I've never seen sentence cased journal titles in any citation, but who knows.
  • To be honest I just compared the new .bib file to the old one and the brackets were the difference I recognised.

    Here you can find my complete .bib files (old one and the zotero-biblatex export)


    I would prefer to continue working with better biblatex because otherwise I have to replace all the citationkeys in my 60 pages long text ;-)
  • I understand you want to keep using better bibtex, but if the issue is due to their biblatex translator (as seems to be the case), you'd have to report it to them.

    That said, have you tried running the file without biblatex entirely? As I say, the error doesn't really sound like it'd be cause by this but rather by some character encoding issue.
  • Yes I tried it. During the first compilation (without the bibliography) it runs perfectly like as well as when I take my old bibliography.

    How or where do I have to report this? Is there a subsection in the zotero forum?
  • If there's a bug in BBT I'd love to hear about it; please do file the issue.
  • @emilianoeheyns
    Don't know if you saw that this is over a month old and that a BBT issue WAS opened (and closed) in the interim:
  • Ah, super. Thanks.
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