Italicize species names in bibliography

I've been using this teak --> <i>species name<i/> in every title of my library items to italicize species names in the bibliography when printed in Word but it seems like this no longer works (maybe the update?!)

Now this is what I get in my bibliography:

Deyrup, M., and S. Cover. 2004. A new species of <i>Odontomachus<i/> ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) from inland ridges of Florida, with a key to Odontomachus of the United States. Florida Entomologist 87:136–144.

The <i> </i> are printed and the species name is not italicized.

I would like to inquire about how to do this from now on.

Please, let me know if anyone has figured out how to italicize species names!

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