PDF download over proxy in Standalone?

I've been eagerly awaiting a fix for downloading PDFs over ezproxy in Zotero standalone. On another thread, aurimas recently wrote:

Downloading PDFs over proxy through connectors is still probably going to be somewhat broken on Safari, but Chrome/Opera and Firefox (in connector mode) should be working. (I haven't tested this in some time though).
Alas, it still doesn't work for me on Chrome. Is it supposed to be fixed? If so, I'll be happy to help debug. I'm using Zotero Standalone 4.0.28 and Chrome 46.0.2490.33 beta on a Mac (Yosemite). Here is an example of a URL that fails: http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.cul.columbia.edu/docview/91646159/abstract/7E2B18DC157640FFPQ/4.

I can also provide the Zotero debug log if needed.

  • Turns out I was mistaken. While this is technically supported in Zotero 4.0.27+, it does require release of Zotero Chrome connector 4.0.27+ and that hasn't happened yet. Simon said he would try to get to it in the next few days. Should be resolved after that.
  • Awesome! Thanks for the update.
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