The extra blank lines in bibliography are a nightmare

I know that this issue has been discussed earlier, but it also has NOT been solved till now. I am using Word 2012, and do not have at the moment the opportunity to upgrade. My colleague next to me has Word 2013 and does not have the bug - Zotero's Word plug-in is adding blanks in the bibliography in my case, but not in his.

This is a huge problem because I would need to edit bibliography manually after each refresh.

To clarify: this problem happens with ALL STYLES!

The threads where the problem has been discussed are
  • Could you confirm your Zotero version? As per
    this was an issue in 4.0.27, but should be fixed in 4.0.28 (don't install the processor patch add-on as directed in that thread. It's no longer needed if you have an up-to-date version of Zotero).

    None of the old threads are relevant: All predate the way Zotero currently generates bibliographies in Word.
  • I found the solution. The following Firefox plugin has to be installed:
    Just click on propachi-vanilla-v1.1.19.xpi while browsing the page with Firefox.

    I guess if you use Zotero Stand-alone app, you're out of luck.
  • Too late adamsmith, I JUST installed the processor plugin.

    Is there some reason I should perhaps remove the plugin?
    I have Zotero
  • You'll want to update to 4.0.28 either way. The add-on won't break things, but it will keep you up to date with a less tested version of the citation processor, which I wouldn't recommend necessarily.
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