Automatic renaming PDFs to Proper BlueBook Citation (Zotfile)

Is there a way to automatically rename linked or stored PDFs to that the file name is the proper bluebook citation and Zotero can still find the files?

Does Zotfile do this?
  • ZotFile can rename attachments using a standard template. It won't apply item-specific citation rules, but you can configure it to approximate the Bluebook citation form for your most common category of references (law review articles, say), applying the same template to other references as well. So it comes close.
  • Here's what I have in prefs.js for standalone Juris-M. It's not Bluebook, but it will do. I like to have files sort chronologically, so earlier cases or articles sort before later ones.

    user_pref("extensions.zotfile.renameFormat", "{%y }{%a, }{%1|%t,}{ %2}{ %3}{ %4 -}{ %w}");
    user_pref("extensions.zotfile.wildcards.user", "{\"1\": \"caseName\", \"2\": \"reporterVolume\", \"3\": \"reporter\", \"4\": \"firstPage\", \"y\": {\"field\": {\"default\": \"date\", \"patent\": \"issueDate\", \"case\": \"dateDecided\"}, \"operations\":[{\"function\":\"exec\",\"regex\": \"\\\\d{4}\"}]}}");
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