mla - zotero/scrivener/rtf

Hi All,

Just a quick one, mainly about MLA.

I've been using the {Author, Year, Page} formula in Scrivener, which comes out fine and works great with RTF Scan in Zotero and then into MS Word. Only problem is if the Author's name appears in the text, say:

Author said catfish suck {Author, Year, Page}

When I get it into Word, it looks like:

Author said catfish suck (Author Page)

Which is great because it removes the year and any commas, but I'd like the line to read:

Author said catfish suck (Page)

Since MLA only needs the author's name once.

Hoping there's an easy workaround because I have some pretty meaty papers due and I'd prefer to use Scrivener to write in...

Help appreciated!

  • you have two options here:
    1) you just put in those page numbers manually, not as Zotero citations or
    2) you use
    RTF scan can't do this.
  • another option might be to use the new integration between Scrivener and Zotero.

    The selections you make in the Zotero picker (page, suffix, prefix, suppress author) automatically are represented in the citation key that you can paste in Scrivener.
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