Problems with automatic pdf download
I have been using Zotero for 1.5 years now (and love it, thanks!). Starting today (possibly late last night) I have been having frequent, but not perfectly regular trouble with Zotero automatically getting the pdf. Here is an example that I absolutely cannot get to work despite restarting Firefox and logging into my university's library repeatedly. The pdf link is ont he page as per normal and I can download it manually with no problems. Zotero does not even try to download the pdf (as opposed to trying and failing). It makes no difference whether I choose to Save to Zotero using "Proquest" or "Embedded Data". Proquest sites have always worked flawlessly for me until now.
URL: http://search.proquest.com.proxy.cc.uic.edu/docview/221726898?pq-origsite=summon
Zotero Version:
Firefox Version: 39.0
URL: http://search.proquest.com.proxy.cc.uic.edu/docview/221726898?pq-origsite=summon
Zotero Version:
Firefox Version: 39.0
URL: http://search.proquest.com.proxy.cc.uic.edu/docview/751869666?pq-origsite=summon&accountid=14552
i tried an article i saved through proquest pre-update (7/14) that saved the pdf perfectly, but today it is just saving the citation with a link to the article.
here is a link to the specific article i am talking about -- i'm off campus so it's ezproxy. i haven't changed locations though, this is how i always access proquest.
love zotero -- thanks for your help!
aurimas, I am seeing exactly what meagan1019 sees. I have the link to the PDF file in the "Other formats:" box and can open up the PDF by clicking on it, exactly as meagan1019. I can manually download the PDF with no problems. I also am not on campus, but this is my normal working location. I am using my university's library and log in through there before I get to the ProQuest page. Since I am already validated, so it gives me the link to the PDF.
I am happy to grab a screenshot if you're not seeing what you need to in meagan1019's. Tell me what you need to see so that I can be sure to capture it.
Again, the ProQuest screen looks like it always has when Zotero has successfully retrieved the PDF when clicking the "Save to Zotero" icon (which I am sure I have done hundred's times from ProQuest). As of last night, Zotero functioned correctly when my library took me to a non-ProQuest site and as of a couple minutes ago, failed to get the PDF when my library took me to the ProQuest site. Again, Zotero does not even attempt to retrieve the PDF file whose working link is on the screen (see meagan1019's screenshot).
I am more than happy to post or send you whatever other information, settings, or log files might be helpful. Or, test whatever changes you need me to.
I also love Zotero. Thanks for your help.
Whatever fix was made in July worked, but now it seems to be happening again.