Pubmed mobile site not correctly handled - Pubmed eutils not used

It looks to me like the translation of Pubmed mobile site is handled different than the desktop site. I am testing with these links:

The second, the one with "/m/" in the path, is the mobile site. For the mobile site the are not used.

NOTE: I am a little bit unsure about this, since this is what I see when testing a new bookmarklet:

(But I copied the translators to dropbox just some weeks ago. Unfortunately I can't read them directly from Zotero's site because of the CORS setup there.)
  • Are you reporting an issue in Zotero? We're obviously not going to provide support for your own custom version of the bookmarklet. I can save fine from that second link in Zotero.
  • Thanks Dan, sorry. I thought there was an issue with the translator. I was confused that detectWeb did return nothing.

    The problem was indeed in my custom version of the bookmarklet. (I removed the link-tags, because I thought they were not needed, but those tags were used in PubMed.js.)

    The code in the bookmarklet is the code from Zotero with some minor changes to be able to reorganize a bit.
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