Turabian Citation missing page number

I have an interesting problem. For some reason, I have two footnotes that are missing page numbers. They were specified on insertion and when I can see the page numbers in the Edit Citation dialogue. I am using a Turabian style that I have modified to not use Ibid and NONE of the other citation are wrong. The citations in question are first time used and are in long-form.

Any thoughts.
  • Have you tried inserting those same citations in a fresh document? Same problem?
    If so, I'd like to see those two citations add they appear as well as your custom style. Put the style on gist.github.com a a public gist and link to it from here.
  • I have fixed the issue. It ended up being that I had replaced too much code fro the no-ibid style ... I went back and grabbed the ... and deleted the from the CSl that had ibid. Previously I have copied all the code between from the non-ibid style. This seems to have fixed the issue...

    Thanks for the fast response.
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