Email address change and very slow Zotero


My first problem is that I'm unable to change my email address, I add the new one and a page comes up saying 'Unable to change email address' or 'Can't delete email address' please help?

Also our Zotero is extremely slow, it rarely actually works at all now and we've paid extra for storage. I am using Zotero with firefox.

  • The email address issue will generally be because it is already associated with another account.
  • (and start a different thread for the slowness issue, including more details -- what type of operations are slow, what's the total number of items in your database and anything else you can think of).
  • edited June 3, 2015
    I also cannot add an email address on the Zotero|Settings page, and I know that the one I am trying to add is not associated with another account. The message I get when I add the address to the space below the current one and click the "Update Emails" button is, "Could not add email address."

    Does the current email address need to be deleted before another is added? "Update Emails" would seem to indicate that you can have more than one.
  • You can have more than one (and you must to change it, because a verified address must be set before you can delete your old one).

    You can email with the address you're trying to add and we can investigate.
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