Tag highlight and annotations in a pdf and do a search in all pdf


I don't know if it's possible, i search but i cant' find. I see something on ipad (Tagnotate).

I write actually my thesis and i need to compare some articles. So i need to look some information in each article and report on excel.
And if i want to change information that i look in my sheet, i need to come back to article and search again.
The idea is to create some tag like "introduction"; "methods"; "results"; "discussion" for each article. And when i do a research, i can see the method of all articles.

And do tag in another tag, for exemple, in the part "results", create tag like "positive results" and "negative results".

The difficulty i think is that zotero have to work with a pdf reader to manage it. And that can be difficult...
  • yeah, tagging a specific annotation in a PDF won't work terribly well, that's correct.
    You can extract them all with ZotFile and then copy to multiple notes. Each notes can have its own set of tags, so with a bit of work you can probably get this.
  • Thanks, i will try this but it's not very easy to do this
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