Suggested Enhancements

For manually entered items, a great addition would allow one to highlight text (e.g., the title of an article) on a web page, right-click, and send the text to a particular field in the currently selected Zotero record.

Another, perhaps easier to implement, enhancement would be to create a new Zotero record using the currently selected record as a template. For instance, this would allow one to be viewing the table of contents of a journal and easily add multiple entries to the Zotero database. A more advanced version of this would provide a set of standard templates (journal articles, book chapters in an edited volume, etc.) and allow users to add to or modify them.
  • as for the 2nd suggestion - you could do that simply by using the "dulicate selected item" option from the right-click menu, no?
    Moreover, for almost all TOCs of journals Zotero supports downloading multiple citations, if you just click on the folder item in the URL bar and then check the boxes next to those citations you want to import.

    I'm actually against the first suggestion, as the right-click menu in FF shouldn't be overcrowded with items and the workflow difference of using right-click --> send to Zotero "title", as opposed to ctrl-c, click on the respective field in ZT, ctrl-v (even easier with linux and the middle mouse button) seems minimal.
  • Regarding the 2nd suggestion, yes, duplicate works in part. The problem is that it includes all the information from the first reference. With a template, only selected fields would be copied and the others reset to a default.

    When an online source is Zotero-compatible, my suggestion has no traction. The suggestion is intended to address incompatible sources. Sometimes these are individual pdf files, for instance on a professor's personal web site. Other times, these are repositories of documents, such as working papers at a research center. Still other times, they are online journals that are not compatible with Zotero. It is cases like the latter two that would be best served by this suggested enhancement.

    As for adam.smith's comment about right-clicks, perhaps the enhancement should be a FF plugin, so that it's optional for people like Adam. Another possibility would be some sort of toggle that turns it on or off in the context menu. A third possibility would be a set of keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste into specific fields.

    I disagree that using the mouse and ctrl-c/ctrl-v is minimal work. For one thing, in order to see the bibliographic information, one often must keep the Zotero window relatively small. Locating the appropriate field in which to paste therefore requires considerable scrolling and/or tabbing. Second, to identify the source field one typically uses the mouse. Sometimes all the highlighting can be done from the keyboard, but moving to the Zotero window still requires the mouse. It is awkward and time-consuming to move from mouse to keyboard and back. I haven't timed it, but getting all the information for a complex, on-screen reference feels like a 1-2 minute task, and with all that copying and pasting the process is error-prone. I'd like to see Zotero cut the time by half or more and to minimize sources of error.
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