In-text citations taking on year-suffix but no multiple publications by author
OK, what have I done ... Getting back to a huge document with 300 references in the DB, over 100 equations, 30 tables, and about the same number of figures. I switched from IEEE style to APA 6. Somewhere along the way yesterday the in-text citations started adding 'a' to the year of publication, but there is ONLY ONE entry in the database. I changed the year-suffix to 'false' so Zotero shouldn't be adding the suffix. Maybe I didn't successfully replace the APA style? ... I double checked and it looks like I did. So ... what have I done? But more importantly, what should I do to fix this. Thanks.
Have you inserted a bibliography? That'd show you if you have two (perhaps otherwise identical) copies of the item cited.
If you're interested in the details, show field codes in Word (alt+F9) and copy the uri of an "a" and one "b" item here.
Either way, though, I don't think there's an alternative to replacing all versions of one with the other.
{ ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"yMTycig8","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Parzen, 1962a)","plainCitation":"(Parzen, 1962a)"},"citationItems":[{"id":362,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":362,"type":"article-journal","title":"On estimation of a probabilility density function and model","container-title":"Annals of Mathematical Statistics","page":"1065-1076","volume":"33","issue":"3","journalAbbreviation":"Ann. Math. Stat.","author":[{"family":"Parzen","given":"E."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[[1962]]}}}],"schema":""}
{ ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"iDwomx1l","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(1962b)","plainCitation":"(1962b)"},"citationItems":[{"id":223,"uris":[""],"uri":[""],"itemData":{"id":223,"type":"article-journal","title":"On estimation of a probability density function and model","container-title":"Annals of Mathematical Statistics","page":"1065-1076","volume":"33","issue":"3","journalAbbreviation":"Ann.Math.Stat.","author":[{"family":"Parzen","given":"E."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1962"]]}},"suppress-author":true}],"schema":""}
I do see the differences now (besides 'suppress author'). How do I go about deleted one of them so it doesn't show up in the references or the in-text citations?
How often do you have that citation? The safest method would be to actually delete it (so either delete the entire citation or -- where there are multiple items in the citation -- edit citation and remove that instance) and then re-insert the correct one.
I'd guess the 1962b one is correct, so you'd want to replace the 1962a ones, but you can (and should) check by inserting a new citation and making sure you select it from "My Library" rather than "Cited" and see which of the two gets inserted. That's the one you want to keep. Delete the other one.
As long as it's connected to a database, that data is updated when you update it in Zotero. But when an item is no longer connected to a database (in this case, likely because it was inserted from a different library), it relies on the data stored in the document, so replacing it there is the only way to go.
If you do want to use the new one, there's a check box in the Cite tab of the Zotero Standalone preferences.