Style request "Environmental Values"


what style would be close to "Environmental Values"

In text: (Aldred, 2006: 142).

Aldred, J. 2006. ‘Incommensurability and monetary valuation’. Land Economics 82: 141–161.

EPA 2000. Who Cares About the Environment? Sydney: Environmental Protection Authority, (accessed 16 October 2002).

Martinez-Alier, J., G. Munda and J. O’Neill. 1998. ‘Weak comparability of values as a foundation for ecological economics’. Ecological Economics 26: 277–286.

Rolston III, H. 1989. Philosophy Gone Wild. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books.

Holland, A. 1997. ‘Substitutability: Why strong sustainability is weak and absurdly strong sustainability is not absurd’. In J. Foster (ed.), Valuing Nature? Economics, Ethics and Environment, pp.119–134. London: Routledge.

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