Getting EVERYTHING into Zotero

I love Zotero, and have been using it for all my recent projects. I am now ready to put ALL my files into it, and I'm planning on using my winter break for this purpose.

However, I need help. I have:
-A huge folder of PDFs from years past - some are already in Zotero, some aren't
-A huge Zotero database - some with PDFs, some without (and I'd like to track down those missing PDFs, if possible).
-A file cabinet full of printed articles (mostly older articles, from the era of photocopiers)

My questions:
The folder - If I drag-and-drop the files onto Zotero, they appear as PDFs, but without the attached bibliographic information. Is the following method the correct way to get these PDFs properly into Zotero as attachements?: open PDF, copy title, paste into google scholar, find reference, add to Zotero, then drag-and-drop? Or is there a faster way?

The existing Zotero database - Do I need to do roughly the same procedure as above? Or can Zotero search for my missing PDFs for me if the reference is already in the database?

The paper files - I realize to get these in is just brute force (scan, enter article info). Has anyone done this? Are there any tips for easing the pain?

  • The original tips discussed at this site and the subsequent conversation between Mark and myself appears pertinent to your question. My queries stemmed from a similar need to consolidate a large existing library and PDF on various websites I continually visit and cite.
  • Concerning paper files, I do this a lot for paper stuff I get through interlibrary loans. There is no quick and easy way obviously, although it helps to have the bibliographic metadata in your Zotero database before adding the PDF (since you'll want to attach the PDF to an existing reference).

    There is no way to search for files without PDF attachment currently (advanced search for Attachment file type is not PDF also returns items which have a PDF and a non-PDF attached), but as an approximation, you can sort by number of attachments in the middle pane (by clicking the column header marked "+"). Finding PDFs for them will probably involve searching for the title on Google Scholar or another big repository (depending on your academic field).
  • Thanks :) Lots of good info at your site, SimonCropper.

    And Mark, thanks too - I think they've fixed the search-for-PDF feature, because it works for me. I hadn't played with the advanced searches before.
  • It will work only if you have no other attachments than PDFs (if an item has a snapshot and a PDF attached, it will be displayed in the advanced search for non-PDFs).

    However, erazlogo in this thread points out a way to do it right. Not worth investing your time in as long as the simple way works though.
  • Mark,

    I also have a collection of paper references and PDFs. My paper based collection has been collated over a 15-20 year period and represents a significant resource in my company. I have over 600 references, which over the years I have attempted to store in various easy to access storage facilities.

    The best method I have found to store these articles, book chapters, etc. is to store them in a series of filing cabinets, each acquisition is allocated a unique and sequential accession number. If I need information on a subject, I look up my reference manager (originally Endnote, now Zotero) and all my references pertinent to a particular subject appears. Some are stored as PDFs on my harddrive, some as paper hard copies in my reference collection and some as virtual library on the web. If I need a reference in my collection, I just check the number on Zotero and pull it from the filing cabinets. I also do this to track my hundred or so project files.

    As PDFs are becoming available on the web I am also starting to collate them into my system. Of particular importance to me is the menagerie of PDFs being published by various government agencies on nature conservation as they form a significant part of any bibliography attached to one of my reports.
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