Missing Disciplines

Is it possible to add more disciplines to the list? None of those available fit me, and I believe quite a few other people as well.

Disciplines to add:
Islamic Studies
Near Eastern Studies
  • I assume that you are talking about citation styles. See the documentation on how to add more of these

  • I think the original poster is referring to the disciplines on the group and individual profile pages.
  • edited October 28, 2011
    pretty sure romanov is refering to disciplines in the profile:

    For people who want to use Zotero as a more broadly academic social networking tool those would seem to be important.

    edit: seriously? It took me less than 3mins and he still beats me.
  • Yes, I meant disciplines in the profile. Having incomplete list defeats the purpose of having it altogether.
  • well, that's a bit harsh - every possible list of disciplines will always be incomplete -
    currently the list has area studies and religious studies - near-east (or middle-east or whatever one calls it) and Islamic Studies fall under those higher level categories (so technically it's not incomplete in this respect, just a bit coarse).

    I don't have a strong opinion on what criteria to use to add disciplines, but at some point there needs to be a cut - should that be regional (i.e. we include European, Near East, East-Asian, Latin American etc. studies). But then, what about individual countries and sub-regions? China studies? Western European Studies? Central America Studies? etc.

    I would imagine that the "about" fields would facilitate scholars finding people with similar interests and describing what they do in appropriate terms.
  • There has been discussion of adding more disciplines before, but I don't know if the list has ever been expanded as a result. I don't suppose there's a nice, standard list of disciplines out there that could be used? Because I'm sure the folks at Zotero don't want to be in the business of maintaining an inventory of academia, even though romanov is quite correct in saying that the list isn't very useful if it has major omissions.
  • @adamsmith: I realize that making a list of disciplines is tricky in many ways: academia.edu has what seems to be an open list - although it is a list of interests, not disciplines - and it is messy.

    Yet it would be nice if a discipline one is getting a PhD in is available for choosing. In any case, the available list is way too coarse: even together, the disciplines that I selected tell absolutely nothing about me as a scholar. Yet, I do not really have an answer on how it should be organized. Perhaps, "interests" is an answer (well, if ZoteroPeople are willing to add it).

    On a second thought, it would be nice to have something like this:

    1. Everyone can create his/her own list of interests (limited amount of words for each interest, say X - if X is too many, let it be Y :).
    2. This list is visible in everyone's profile and each interest remain private until:
    3. more than 50 people share it (50 is an arbitrary number here, of course). At this point it becomes public and visible to the entire Zotero community.
    4. Now, everyone can add their custom interests as well as to select those from the list.

    I have no idea how to do this technically, but it does not sound like too much of a work. This will allow to keep the list of interest relatively short and very effective for network building in the Zotero environment.

    Since "the Initiative is punishable," as the Russians say, I am ready to maintain the list of interests :)
  • edited March 1, 2015
    Please note that among "Professions" Public Health is missing. Public Health is quite different from "Medicine" (I should know having doctorates in both).

    Other disciplines that should be considered (perhaps under applied sciences):
    * Epidemiology
    * Environmental Health Science (different that Environmental Studies and Forestry)
    * Statistics and Biostatistics
    However, these you might want to merely lump under the current "Health Sciences" and I would be OK with that decision. But, "Public Health" is a separate profession that, in these days of Ebola and rampant obesity and diabetes, needs to be on the list.
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