Updating Zotero SA vs. updating Zotero FF

For a documentation I'm trying to find out every difference between ZotSA and ZotFF in detail. It seems to me that the FF-Addon - including the word-integration addons - is updated automatically, whereas the SA-Version of Zotero is _not_ automatically updated. So if I want to update ZotSA I have to go to the zotero page and download the new version.
Am I right?
  • They're both automatically updated.
  • I was asking this because I found out that my ZotFF-Version was 4.0.26 while my ZotSA-Version was 4.0.17. I clicked on "Check for Updates" which resulted in an update to ZotSA version 4.0.19. After clicking on "Check for update" again my ZotS was updated to the current version 4.0.26. Now I don't see the menu item "check for update" any more. Does this mean that the "update automatically" - feature has been included in one of the latest versions?
  • No, all versions have auto-updated — I'm not sure why it wouldn't for you, unless you haven't restarted Zotero in an impressively long time. And the menu option should still be there — it just may be in a different menu (e.g., on OS X it moved from the Zotero menu to the Help menu). In any case, I'd just keep an eye on it and see if you get updated to 4.0.27 when it comes out, and let us know if you don't.
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