Double quotes with punctuation after quotes and a question about Asian characters in MLZ

I am currently modifying a style on the basis of the MLZ Chicago for a journal. I managed to modify nearly everything I need with just two issues remaining. I already tried googling and searching the forum, but I could not find an answer.

1) I want to use double quotes, but have the comma outside the quotes, e.g.: Author, "Title", Journal Title.
I found that when changing the local to en-GB, I get the comma outside the quotes, but then Zotero uses single quotes; when using en-US I have double quotes but the comma within the quotes. Is there any way to change that?

2) This is a question regarding Multilangual Zotero, but I hope it is ok to post here anyway: When using Asian characters, MLZ always inserts the Asian characters for author and title in the first footnote and not in subsequent ones. Is it possible to change it to never have Asian characters in the footnotes but only in the bibliography?

Thanks in advance for any help!
  • 1) leave the local at en US. Then find the part of the style that defines terms. It'll looks something like
    <locale xml:lang="en">

    between locale and terms add the line
    <style-options punctuation-in-quote="false"/>

    (fine to post MLZ questions here, Frank would probably have to take that one. At least I don't know the answer).
  • Great, thank you for your help!
  • edited January 27, 2015
    I'm not sure i quite understand 2).
    If CJK character for titles and person appear in footnotes depends on the primary language field in MLZ and the language settings.

    If you never want CJK in footnotes. You should be able to only select transliteration for primary and [secondary] in the language preference tab. That doesn't work? Could you post and example of the CJK entry in MLZ and how you want it to appear?

    Alternatively what happens if you use latin name as primary data input for person name, and add CJK as language fields. Does it still appear with CJK in footnotes?
  • I think bib-only for secondary fields might be a candidate for an option; the only way to achieve that effect currently would be to render with different settings in two copies of the document.

    It will be awhile before I can look at it, but I'll put it on the list.
  • Duncdrum, your first suggestions would work if I wouldn't want CJK characters at all, but I need them in the bibliography.
    Your second one changes the order in which CJK and and transliteration appear in the bibliography - also something I do not want.

    Frank, thank you for the information. I will just edit out the characters by hand when I'm done with the paper, that won't be too much work in my case now, however having an option sometime in the future might really be useful.
    Also, thank you very, very much for your work on MLZ, it really makes my life much easier!
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