"word wrap" goes out the window when opening in text

How do I keep "word wrap" when I open a Word document in text ?? When I open a text document in Zotero, the word wrap fails. Impossible to read. Please assist with keeping word wrap so I can see the document without huge horizontal scroll bars.. .
  • What do you mean by 'open a Word document in text'? Opening a text file attached to a record? What application are you opening the text file in?
  • OK, I'll start over & describe again since I asked for help above very late last night. Here is the jist: WHEN I OPEN A .TXT DOCUMENT IN ZOTERO (WAS CONVERTED FROM WORD), MARGIN WRAP FAILS. THE DOCUMENT IS 4 TIMES THE WIDTH OF THE SCREEN- MARGIN WRAP ISN"T WORKING IN THE FireFox (FF) BROWSER VIEW.

    It is a huge benefit to be able to edit a Word document within FF-- from the forum I just learned that if I convert a Word document to a .txt doc, I can work with it within FF & Zotero. I sure want to do that, if only margin wrap still worked. The document splays out 4 times the width of the screen. I have to use horizontal scroll bars to read the thing- impossible with a really long document. Appreciate any help on viewing .txt documents in Zotero/FF
  • No need to shout (i.e. use all-caps). The issue you're describing seems to be a general issue with viewing text files in Firefox:

  • Thanks you for this critically important link/article for handling word/margin wrap! Of course, no shouting intended- was only emphasizing as I am not formatting with html. Would advise that those new to FF follow the article instructions exactly and place the statement on its own line without any attributes / or * before or after. Now the .txt documents are viewable & modifiable, etc. within Zotero. . .
  • I'm just curious whether there is a CSS file in Zotero associated with the browser-window in which snapshots/text-files are shown? I tried to enable soft wrap via annotation.css, but that didn't work.
  • There's nothing (particularly) Zotero-specific about that browser window, so the instructions on the page you linked to above should work fine...
  • I was just wondering whether it would make sense to either enable soft wrap by default for text-files that are opened in Zotero, or to include a button/preference allowing users to enable it, without otherwise affecting the behavior of Firefox.

    Just in case the blog disappears, it might also be handy to have the whole trick mentioned here:

    Text files can be displayed with soft wrap in Firefox by introducing the line below in the file userContent.css, which can be found in one's profile folder (in the subfolder chrome). If this file doesn't yet exist, one can copy and rename userContent-example.css, which should be present in that same folder. The change will go into effect after restarting Firefox.

    pre { white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important; }
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