Create a new style
I've just switched from Endnote 10 to Zotero and was wondering if it's possible to create an own style. Most of the styles used are based on the anglo-saxon world and as I work in France, I would like to create a style corresponding to my university's defaults. I've had a look round the other threads and the available documentation but found no answer.
Thanks for the help!
I've just switched from Endnote 10 to Zotero and was wondering if it's possible to create an own style. Most of the styles used are based on the anglo-saxon world and as I work in France, I would like to create a style corresponding to my university's defaults. I've had a look round the other threads and the available documentation but found no answer.
Thanks for the help!
I've got the same problem as you! Anybody around to help the France-based scholars?
b) there's a beta version of a style creator here:
c) there's a guide on how to write your own .csl styles here:
hope one of theses helps.
I tried the style creator, it 's quite user-friendly and it works fine, except it only allows citation in a "scientific" style. In French humanities, for a citation in a footnote, we need author, title, place, date (actually, it's very similar to what appears in the bibliography). Unless I'm mistaken, I can't modify the citation order with the generator (it only allows number or author-date citation)
I also had a look at the "creating citation styles guide", but I really am an ignoramus regarding programing, and it seems quite complicated...
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot.
I search also in French Humanities and literature. I have the same problem to find a "french style". It's not so easy to create one when you are not used too.
I still not really understand why French scholars don't seem to use bibliographic tool like Endnote and Zotero...
We are certainly not the only ones to have this problem. Maybe we can make a kind of " "french group" to discuss about tolls for French Humanities. There is not a lot of "translators" too for french database.
You're right on the style creator it can't do footnotes, I didn't see that.
I agree with Sean - look at Chicago (full note) style and see what needs to be changed.
If you feel like exploring on yourself (which is quite interesting and very much in the spirit of open source) look at the csl documentation here:
modify the Chicago style and tests your results on the cool Zt test pane here:
but as Sean said you can also just ask for help here
Also, keep in mind: the styling system is not language-specific, so the fact that you are writing in French isn't really relevant.
Thank you for your comments and suggestions (and useful links). I had a look at Endnote styles, but found nothing closer to what I would need other than Chicago style.
So I think we might just begin with trying to figure out what we would need, in terms of style, as French humanities researchers (so Luc, if you've got an opinion about it...) I know that language isn't relevant, except that in French we use "dans" and not "in" for parts of books, "éd." and not "ed.", « » quotation marks, and not "" etc.
Are there any other people interested in defining what we need? Then we could try to change the Chicago style (I'm willing to give it a go, if I manage to)
I found these edition rules on a website. Any comments?
Pour les citations en note de bas de page:
o Nom de l’auteur en petites capitales, précédé de l’initiale du prénom suivi d’un point et d’un espace insécable ; puis vient le titre en italique, suivi du lieu et de la date d’édition. Tous ces éléments sont séparés par une virgule.
Ex. : G. DUBY,Guillaume le Maréchal, Paris, 1984.
o Dans le cas d’ouvrages collectifs, d’éditions, de traductions : titre de l’article entre parenthèses, indiquer « dans », puis le titre de l’ouvrage en italique, puis le nom du directeur, de l’éditeur ou du traducteur suivi de dir., éd. ou trad.
Ex. : J.-P. AZÉMA, « La guerre », dans Pour une Histoire politique, R. RÉMOND dir., Paris, 1988, p. 250-270.
o Pas de « dans » comme séparateur entre le titre de l’article et celui de la revue. Référence au tome et à l’année comme suit : E. GALTIER, « Byzantina », Romania, 29(1900), p. 501-527.
o Indiquer les collections de la manière suivante : Max Weber. Der Historiker, J. KOCKA dir., Göttingen, 1986 (Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, 73).
o On n’indiquera pas le nombre total de pages d’un livre
o Dans la bibliographie, tout pareil, sauf que le nom précède le prénom (DUBY, G.)
For Franch Style, with Endnote (but I'm not very a big user of it...), I use sometime 2 styles made by Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada): 1) generic 2) history.
You can find a very complete information about Endnote (for someone who start using bibliographic sotware, it could be very usefull...), and you can download these 2 styles, and ad it to Endnote.1
Theses 2 UQAM' styles can't resolve all problems for french bibliography, but it's well documented. They give also the way to modify a style in Endnote. I try some changes. For do that, I found in easier to modify a style in Endnote than in Zotero, but maybe I don't really try to do it and understand it. For everybody, the multiplicty of styles is really a big bug for every scholar.
After download these UQAM's styles, it's possible to export Endnote's style to Zotero. I think, and use it.
It's a good start for french bibliography.
BUT, as in all languages, there is no a "universal french style". Each periodicals or publisher as his own specifity (or "caprices"), and they change it very often.
When I began my studies in literature (around 20 years ago), there was almost just one delimeter used: ",". Now, we find: . / : ; (), etc... We always give the total pages of a book, now, not!?
I hope it could help, and we start from the UQAM style to develop few french bibliographic styles.
thanks for your useful comments. I think starting with UQAM style would be a good idea, unfortunately, I haven't found out how to import a style from Endnote into Zotero when you don't own Endnote. Can anyone help?
By the way, I had a look at the Chicago Manual of Style (Full Note with Bibliography) which is indeed quite close to what I would need, but it definitely seems too complex for me.
While a more robust solution is developed, this could be done in a few days: have an upgrade version with a general "document" type with as many fields as possible. I miss fields like Institution, Place, Publisher... Then have some generic styles to handle just this expanded "document" type.
That will help my life, while I wait for a more "definite" solution, e.g, a tool to customize doc types and styles.
Zotero already has a document type & CSL is already able to down-play the role of types in formatting (so that the document type should be correctly formatted most of the time). So, I don't think you are requesting anything that isn't already present.
Your proposed workflow is excellent advice for others!
je suis partant pour le "french group" proposé par bougau. D'ici un mois, j'aurai un peu de temps pour participer à la mise au point d'un style.
CSL files are better than .ENS files (both legally and technically), so it is best to develop or help to develop more CSL style files & ween away from the undocumented EndNote style format.
Sorry if I am being dense, you mean I can import an existing style, but not change it? Correct? So if my styles exist in Endnote, then I can use them in Zotero 1.5? So the function to edit them was/is disabled, but not to use them?
Thanks for the clarification either way!
"For Franch Style, with Endnote (but I'm not very a big user of it...), I use sometime 2 styles made by Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada): 1) generic 2) history.
You can find a very complete information about Endnote (for someone who start using bibliographic sotware, it could be very usefull...), and you can download these 2 styles, and ad it to Endnote.1"
(envoyé le 14 sept. 2008)
Je pense migrer de EndNote à Zotero et j'aimerais également utiliser le style Histoire de l'UQAM. Connais-tu quelqu'un qui aurait commentcé à bricoler le style pour Zotero ?
I know UQAM's style, and I use it sometimes. I just begin to try to create a "style en français" pour Zotero. It's not complete now, but it works on my Zotero. I'll be very happy to show you and discuss (en français) with you about it.
We can communicate more directly to do it. My address is at the bottom of Jacques Ferron website ( under "Rédaction et conception générales"
Ça me fera plaisir d'en discuter en français. À bientôt.
Je suis très intéressé par un style Zotero mis aux normes françaises. Je vais essayer d'ouvrir un nouveau sujet sur les forums afin d'y discuter en français: les autres utilisateurs francophones de Zotero pourront ainsi suivre et participer.
And we can always post periodical translations of our dicussion topics .
It is high time we had a proper francophone citation style and starting from the UQAM style is a very good idea, but I still don't know how this can be exported into the CSL format or whether it might be better create a new style from scratch.
A bientôt,
A very excellente initiative. I'll move to the new thread on a French style. I already begin to create one.
See you there...