Citation Style Formatting Issues

Dear all,

I am trying to set up my own Harvard Referencing Style and have already come very far.

The only thing I have issues with is adding a comma behind "(eds.)" in chapters from edited volumes. Currently, there is no punctuation behind "(eds)".

Here is an example:

Kelly, Mark G. E. (2013): “Foucault, Subjectivity, and Technologies of the Self.” In: Falzon, Christopher/ O’Leary, Timothy/ Sawicki, Jana (eds.) A Companion to Foucault. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 510–525.

So, I have no idea where in the source code I can make the necessary changes.

Would be great if someone can help!
  • edited October 13, 2014
    paste the code of your style to the window on, create public gist and post the link here. You don't need to register on github.
  • edited October 13, 2014
    <names variable="editor" delimiter="/ ">

    change to
    <names variable="editor" suffix=",">

    that should do it (haven't tested, though).
  • Great. Thanks. It works!

    I also noticed, though, that when using CSL-Validation I get two errors.

    The style seems to work anyway. So is this a problem?
  • yeah, you do need an id in the style that will cause problems otherwise. Typically IDs are URIs, needn't be existing ones i.e.
    works just fine.

    The other issue likely won't matter, but you can just delete the macro in lines 55 and 56 to get rid of it.
  • Thanks a lot!

    When I insert the code into csl-calidator.js I also get the following error message:

    stdin:127:6: error: text not allowed

    error: invalid input

    Can this cause any problems?
  • line 127 reads:
    <text variable="page"/>-
    i.e. delete the dash in the end.
  • Perfect! Thank you!

    One final question:

    Ideally, I would like to have bibliographic entries of chapters in edited volumes in the way that the editors are mentioned with first name before last name.

    I. e. instead of:

    Kelly, Mark G. E. (2013): “Foucault, Subjectivity, and Technologies of the Self.” In: Falzon, Christopher/ O’Leary, Timothy/ Sawicki, Jana (eds.), A Companion to Foucault. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 510–525.

    it should look like this:

    Kelly, Mark G. E. (2013): “Foucault, Subjectivity, and Technologies of the Self.” In: Christopher Falzon/ Timothy O’Leary/ Jana Sawicki, Jana (eds.), A Companion to Foucault. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 510–525.
  • delete name-as-sort-order="all" in the editor macro
  • @randy.tortuga: For what is this style for?
  • Just one more thing:

    I realized that now in the bibliography edited volumes appear with a comma between "(eds.)" and "Date".

    For example:

    Walter Carlsnaes/ Beth A. Simmons/ Thomas Risse (eds.), (2002): Handbook of International Relations. London: Sage.

    Is it possible to remove the comma?

    @zuphilip: I modified an existing Harvard Style so that it fits to my own purposes
  • change line 40
    <text macro="editor"/>

    <names variable="editor"/>
  • Thanks again!

    I just realized that there is one more error:

    When using in-text-citations that also include pages, there is missing a space character between colon and page number. E.g.:

    (Smith 2005:34).

    How can I add the space in between?
  • that's with the version of the style you have up on github? If anything I'd expect a space too much
  • I might have made minor changes to the one psted on github.

    That's why I posted my current version on github again:

    Any idea why there is a space lacking?
  • Works for me: (Legewie/DiPrete 2014: 32)
  • That's strange.

    I am using MS Word 2013. Could this be the reason?
  • Unlikely. I'd strongly suspect that either you have an old version of that style installed or the citation isn't updated in Word.

    Does this look right in a new Word document?
  • You are right. It works now. Thanks again!
  • Hello everyone,

    I would be happy for your help regarding some style issues in the above mentioned style.

    In reports, as well as newspaper articles, I need the URL to be displayed in the reference list. How can I do this?
  • edited October 1, 2015
    something like
    <macro name="access">
    <if type="report article-newspaper" match="any">
    <text variable="URL"/>

    Place anywhere between the other macros (but make sure it's actually _between_ them, and then add other styling as needed.
  • edited October 2, 2015
    Perfect. Thank you.

    I also added conference papers to display their URL but realized that the format for them is not very useful.

    I would need conference papers to be displayed as

    Habermas, Jürgen (2002): "Title of the Paper", Paper presented at the ### conference, June 19–22, in Berlin, Germany.

    I saw that this issue has been raised before:, but using presentation instead of conference paper does not seem to work.
  • Change this line: <if type="report article-newspaper" match="any">to this: <if type="report article-newspaper paper-conference" match="any">
  • Thanks, but still, the problem still exists that the conference papers are not properly shown as indicated above. Any idea?
  • Sorry, I read too quickly and misunderstood what you are trying to do. The change I suggested above is a mistake - it will add the URL after conference papers, which you obviously don't want.

    Inserting something like this at line 205 will do something like what you want:<text variable="event" prefix="Paper presented at " suffix="."/>
    But your example does not follow the pattern of the style, which concludes each element in the bibliography entries with a period. To keep things looking clean and clear, you probably want to use a similar style for conference papers.

    In any case, the style needs some further work done on it. The "In: " added by the style is intended for conference proceedings volumes, but it is included even when there is no container-title variable (it should disappear in that case).

    Hope that helps!
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