Citation Error [Society of Biblical Literature]
I use the SBL citation style and it enters subsequent citations as ibid. The SBL guide lists subsequent citations as: Author's last name, short title, page number.
Can this be changed, please?
Can this be changed, please?
Styles also update automatically within 24hs for Zotero 4.0+
In an existing document, you may have to switch to a different style and back for the changes to take effect once the style is updated.
Any further problems please let us know & thanks for reporting
I'm surprised this hasn't come up before, I hope there isn't a contingent of SBL users who really like their ibid.
You can, however download the version of the style I had up intermittently:
Open in any text editor (NotePad, TextEdit) change ID and the link that says rel="self" after it to anything else (just adding -no-bid e.g. would work nicely) and you can use that style. Install it by dragging to an open Firefox Window or, for Zotero standalone, simply by double-clicking the file as if to open it on your file system.