ACM Translator Bug

I recently visited
and used the translator to add this paper to my library. I later noticed that it had made an error in field coding. Here's what it stored:
"Location = New York, NY"
"Location in Archive = Sanibel Island, Florida, USA."

The conference was in Florida; in the Conference Paper field the "location" should reflect where the conference was held, not the headquarters of the publisher (ACM).
  • This is due to the way that Zotero's BibTeX importer works-- it maps BibTeX's "address" to Zotero's "place", and BibTeX's "location" to Zotero's "archiveLocation".

    We can probably fix this for ACM if the problem is consistent across journals, but first it's worth considering whether this is a wider BibTeX issue that should be fixed at that level.
  • As a second example, consider
    The location is again NYC, but the conference was held in Raleigh.
    As to the question of level, I guess we would have to see how other publishers use the "address" and "location" fields to determine which mapping is most appropriate.
  • Zotero only has a single place field. This will change:
    Until there are fields for both the publisher's place & the place of the conference, I don't know if it is obvious about what should be done with the single field.
    it maps BibTeX's "address" to Zotero's "place".
    According to "BibTeXing", address is "usually the address of the publisher or other type of institution" but that "the PROCEEDINGS and INPROCEEDINGS entry types now use the address field to tell where a conference was held, rather than to give the address of the publisher or organization. If you want to include the publisher’s or organization’s address, put it in the publisher or organization field." This is a nuisance that a lot of people have noticed. To quote the BEEBE is-plain style
    Change Proceedings and InProceedings to treat address values as publisher addresses, as they are with every other document type, rather than as conference addresses, which belong in the title field (that is how major libraries, including OCLC and Library of Congress, with nearly 60M holdings, represent them). The need for this change has been discussed with BibTeX's author, Oren Patashnik, and there is a good possibility that BibTeX 1.0 will contain the changeimplemented here. This is an INCOMPATIBLE change that will produce different .bbl file formatting. However, the TUG and BibNet bibliography projects have consistently used address to me publisher/organization/institution address, and so already conform to the new practice.
    Note that many of the OTHER beebe styles follow the BibTeXing convention here, though!
    BibTeX's "location" to Zotero's "archiveLocation".
    BibTeXing does not have a 'location' field, and neither does JabRef. "BibTeX and bibliography styles" describes ACM's use of the two fields, but this is hardly canonical. No BibTeX style I have installed uses the 'location' field, including ACM's.

    BibLaTeX uses "location" to mean the place of publication and aliases it to address. It uses the term "venue" to refer to the location of a conference. No BibTeX style I have installed uses that either.

    ACM's use of "location" is unique enough that it should not be added to the core BibTeX translator. However, Zotero should probably not use this for "location in archive". I'd suggest the single line change to the BibTeX.js translator:--- BibTeX.js (revision 9110)
    +++ BibTeX.js (working copy)
    @@ -69,7 +69,6 @@
    - location:"archiveLocation",
    and don't know whether or not ACM.js needs to be modified.
  • But when we eventually get an event-place, we can map "location" to it (at least using special logic in the ACM‌ translator)?
  • When will the mentioned issue be fixed?
  • Field changes won't happen until 4.2, which is still a while out. I would argue that with the current fields and citations styles, using the publisher place in the place field is the better choice until then.

    Loc. in Archive isn't used for location anymore.
  • edited June 30, 2014
    If we use "publisher place" instead of "event held in place", we will see the same place in our all citations. "Whenever" and wherever it is published. Is it not seems weird?

    Furthermore, there is a still conflict in BibTeX and EndNote citations.

    For example;

    When I import bibtex, it is shown in my zotero library like that;
    Place: Berkeley, CA, USA

    When I import endnote, it is shown in my zotero library like that;
    Place: Cambridge, MA

    (I know, EndNote only holds the event place)
    I think endnote format makes sense, since conference (HotBots'07) was held in Cambridge, (Berkeley is only address of USENIX organization)

    Finally, for a limited number of paper which I shared them within my Zotero library, I tried to make a review, which "place" people use in their citations; I realized that most of them uses the "event place" and actually I have never seen a people who uses the address of the organization in the citation.

    You may advise me to use EndNote format, however, particularly for my currently on going study, BibTex format has more acceptable, reasons are;
    BibTex usually uses first letter capital for each "required" word
    Ex: "This is my Previously Published Paper" instead "This is my previously published paper"
    Holds series information
    Ex: HotBots'07
    Holds URL address of the page which Zotero extracted citation

    So, you may advise again, download both and merge them.
    Although it is not suitable for this situation, it is just an overhead, is it not?
  • The recommendation is to use the URL bar icon and neither bibtex nor Endnote download. For ACM that does mainly use bibtex, it'll sometimes fix issues, sometimes combine formats etc.. We're not concerned with conflicts between different output formats. As you point out yourself, the bibtex and the ris exported by ACM also differ, so it's unsurprising that they differ on import as well.

    We'll just have to agree to disagree on the location. The way Zotero citation styles work, using Cambridge, MA would give you
    "Cambridge, MA: USENIX Association" in the citation. That would be incorrect--the colon (used in many citation styles) signifies that the location before the colon is the location of the publisher. I'm not disagreeing that it's useful and common to include a conference location in the citation for a conference paper, but since Zotero only has one "place" field, that's going to be used for the location of the publisher. Once we have both, we can do it properly.
  • While I think everyone agrees that event pace is important for conference papers, I doubt think we will change what is stored in the Place field at this point. A dedicated fields for event place will be coming (relatively) soon, at which point place will remain as the place of publication. If we change this now, migrating the field will be impossible and people will have incorrect (not just incomplete) metadata.

    As for import recommendation, I would recommend the URL bar icon, because that will generally provide the most complete metadata (and attachments). Also, in Zotero, titles should be stored in sentence case, not title case, so EndNote is better in that regard.
  • URL bar icon working fine. But second field will be beneficial.
    Thanks for your recommendation, @aurimas @adamsmith.
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