Two questions re. doi in APA citations

Hi, I have two questions about the use of doi numbers in APA citation of journal articles. Zotero automatically inserts those numbers in my reference lists, when they are available from database.

First time I saw it, this was new to me. I guess I still leanrt APA in the time before doi numbers or their widespread use. So I wanted to confirm with the community whether this is the correct procedure for APA cistation of paper journals.

Second, I have the problem that for a large share of my references doi numbers are not in my data base. Is there an easy way of adding them automatically (given that APA might require them to be in my list)?

Thank you!
  • edited June 6, 2014
    First time I saw it, this was new to me. I guess I still leanrt APA in the time before doi numbers or their widespread use. So I wanted to confirm with the community whether this is the correct procedure for APA cistation of paper journals.
    indeed. APA requires DOIs since the 6th edition of the manual.
    Second, I have the problem that for a large share of my references doi numbers are not in my data base. Is there an easy way of adding them automatically (given that APA might require them to be in my list)?
    no, sorry. may be helpful
  • Thanks -- so, related, is it possible to remove a refernece from the zotero database, download it again from the publisher webiste (i.e., including all doi information), and still have the correct fields in manuscripts link to the reference? Or are they deleted / do not update after deleting the refernece in the zotero database? I suppose the linking does not work afterwards, so I have to do update all entries in the database manually?
  • don't delete the first one, no.
    Download the new one, then use the "Merge" function (right-click while selecting both, or find them in the "Duplicate" folder.) During merge you can select the new one as the "master," but can also pick individual fields between the two.
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