style-problems: AmSocAss + AmPolScAss

In addition to some problems with the styles "American Sociological Association" + "American Political Sciences Association" posted elsewhere (,
I noticed that both styles add a double space before the place of publication. This seems to happen only with chapters of edited volumes.

Perhaps a minor issue maybe also one that should be addressed eventually. I'm not sure if the graver issues from the post mentioned above have been noted....
  • Actually, it must add a doubles-space before the publisher macro (the place is not the issue here). I'm looking at the style, but having a hard time seeing how that can be. Indeed, I can't reproduce it, so you might double--check this, and post a few example links of items you know cause this problem.

    Also worth noting that there seems to be a problem with the Zotero server; it's not updating the style. I checked in what probably will fix the et al thing mentioned in the other thread, but it's not showing up on the site (though subversion confirmed the check in).
  • edited April 28, 2008
    I'm not quite sure if I understand you. Are you saying the double space before the place of publication is correct? (But why then only with book chapter entries?)

    In case it's not correct: I have tried this with existing entries and have just created a new test-entry. As I said, this only seems to happen with bookchapters. What I get is this:
    Bobbio, N. 1989. “Gramsci and the conception of civil society.” In
    Which Socialism?, Cambridge, Oxford: Polity Press, p. 139-161.
    Author, bbb. “test.” In Booktitle, ed. Caroline Editor. K-Town: Pub, p. 1-4.
    It's perhaps difficult to see here, but there is a double space before Cambridge and K-Town, which may be quite visible if you have justified text format.

    These examples are with APSA, but the same happens with ASA (dev). It does not happen with all other types of entries, such as normal book-entries:
    Goffman, E. 1967. Interaction Ritual. Eassays in face-to-face behavior. Chicago: Aldine.

    If it's only me who is getting this, it can perhaps be ignored. Thanks for your help!

    PS: Maybe it makes a difference to know that I'm using OOo 2.4.
  • edited April 28, 2008
    I've just noticed that the double space disappears after posting it here, but I have triple checked now and they are there in OOo...

    PPS: I just found out there's a double space before "edited by" as well...
  • edited April 28, 2008
    I'm still NOT seeing any extra spacing using csledit.xul. Everything is rendered correctly in my test example.

    If you can confirm the same, then we've narrowed down the problem to a bug somewhere in the wp integration I'd imagine.

    Also, can you check to see if this happens in other styles, like APA?
  • sorry, I'm just a normal user. Can you tell me what I'm supposed to do with csledit.xul?

    No, it does not occur with APA (nor with Harvard 1)

    I also checked Chicago (author-date), where the problem does exist as well.
  • @bdarcus - You won't see this in csledit.xul, because it converts two regular spaces (as opposed to non-breaking spaces) into one - you have to test it in Word. It would be nice if such errors were visible in csledit.xul as well.
  • I don't use Word ;-)

    That's a problem WRT to csledit.xul. It really needs to render the spaces. Maybe it could wrap the output in a pre element?
  • You won't see this in csledit.xul, because it converts two regular spaces (as opposed to non-breaking spaces) into one - you have to test it in Word. It would be nice if such errors were visible in csledit.xul as well.

    Technically the 'white-space: pre' should probably be in the HTML generation layer, in case collapsing whitespace is ever not desired, but we'll go with this for now.
  • edited April 29, 2008
    @dan many thanks. i tried to fix an extra space in Chicago and the display works now, but the updated style does not show up in Zotero Style Repo under Dev Styles--I still see the old style and the date updated is old, even though the trac timeline shows that the svn commit went through.
  • the updated style does not show up in Zotero Style Repo under Dev Styles
    Elena: Should be fixed now. Thanks.
  • @erazlogo: I realize this is very late to ask, but could you perhaps describe how you fixed this for Chicago? The problems persist in some styles and I'd try to fix it myself if I knew what to look for/do. Thanks
  • Can you give some examples of styles that have these problems?
  • like I said in my initial post: ASA and APSA.
    ASA also adds the double space before "edited by" besides the double space before place of publication
  • edited October 20, 2008
    I fixed the spacing errors you listed for ASA and APSA (you can see the changes made here:, but the style repository hasn't been updated yet.
  • The styles are now available in the Additional Styles section of the styles page. They'll be pushed automatically to existing clients when 1.0.8 is released.
  • Awesome! Many thanks for this.
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