Storage status--how often updated?
Having gotten the message that I'm nearing my storage limit, I deleted a bunch of duplicates and items no longer needed. My storage usage here on the still read the same as they did before I deleted those items (and emptied the trash in Zotero standalone). How long before my having slimmed down the library before I can expect to get an updated reading, so I can decide whether I still need to upgrade my storage limits? Thanks.
Have you checked to see whether the items are actually gone from your online library (which obviously they should be if you emptied the trash and there wasn't a sync error). Are you sure the items you deleted actually had attached files and that those files existed and were synced?
(FWIW, I thought ZotPad worked smoothly with webDAV, but I don't know that for sure).
Now, however, the crashing/freezing problem is back. File-syncing is still turned off, and I've gotten down to 96% of my storage rather than the 99.3% I had last night. What should I look at now, in terms of troubleshooting the freezing "Zotero not responding" issue that happens when I'm doing any number of things--searching, attaching files or deleting them, moving entries into collections, etc.--and that I can only resolve each time by forcing the program to quit?
By the way, Mac OS 10.9.3, Zotero standalone, 6G of storage. Thanks! I'll create a new thread if I need to, since this might not be about storage anymore.
Your data syncing seems to be working perfectly fine, though you can try disabling auto-sync to be sure.
Beyond that, if you let it go, does it come back from the freeze? If so, provide a Debug ID for a freeze. If not, we'll need real-time debug output, which you can save to a text file, zip, and email to with a link to this thread.
Zotero standalone came back from the freeze when I clicked the gear/preferences button. I don't know if that usually happens or not, as I don't usually click that button before forcing Z to quit.
Yes, I have file syncing off for both personal and groups. And yes, the data syncing seems to work fine. It's generally been better since I slimmed down the files; even this freeze took more time than usual.
As a first step, though, try closing the tag selector in the bottom left. That can help with larger libraries. Also make sure you've emptied the Zotero trash.
You can try to leave debug output running and the Clear button before each interaction with it.