Zotero can not find data from restored backup
I changed PCs, reverting to a Vostro 410, Windows 7.1. It had XP Mode, but so many troubles resulted that I removed it.
I installed the latest Zotero. It opened with an introduction entry, not the data.
Searching the hard disk for "4dzha82f.default", I found the place where the data was:
C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\4dzha82f.default\zotero "Read Only", folders only. The data base, zotero.sqlite, is not "Read Only", Storage is "Read Only".
I contains the folders locate, storage, styles and translators and the databases zotero.sqlite, zotero.sqlite.1.bak and zotero.sqlite.bak
After getting only the introduction entry of a reinstalled zotero, I tried putting the address of the restored data in the custom address (zotero preferences, files &c.)
Upon restarting Firefox and opening Zotero, I got only the introduction entry again.
I have been at this several days, trying to recover access to my 5.5K database accumulated over 4 years. I have searched the knowledge base, and read everything that seemed related that I recognized.
I'm up a stump and need your help and advice.
I installed the latest Zotero. It opened with an introduction entry, not the data.
Searching the hard disk for "4dzha82f.default", I found the place where the data was:
C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\4dzha82f.default\zotero "Read Only", folders only. The data base, zotero.sqlite, is not "Read Only", Storage is "Read Only".
I contains the folders locate, storage, styles and translators and the databases zotero.sqlite, zotero.sqlite.1.bak and zotero.sqlite.bak
After getting only the introduction entry of a reinstalled zotero, I tried putting the address of the restored data in the custom address (zotero preferences, files &c.)
Upon restarting Firefox and opening Zotero, I got only the introduction entry again.
I have been at this several days, trying to recover access to my 5.5K database accumulated over 4 years. I have searched the knowledge base, and read everything that seemed related that I recognized.
I'm up a stump and need your help and advice.
I will have to find the default location again once I reinstall Zotero, and will then close (not uninstall) Zotero.
I see I don't have to include the .bak files, but I do > replace < existing sqlite file and storage folder (move out and copy in).
This will take a while: the 5.5K entries occupy 16GB.
Thanks for your help. I'll tell you how it works.
As for the time needed to set up storage, I was considering how long it takes to do "properties".
Storage as "Read Only". I suspect that they mean I can't meddle with the folder itself, particularly the name, and that the database contains references to those names.
adamsmith on the need to reinstall Zotero. In my hoop-jumping over the last several days, there were several times in which copying to the data directory was unresponsive. May be a consequence of my thrashing about.
“!!!” indicates adjustments to the procedure as it was being executed.
1) !!! 2014/05/14: Must close both Firefox and Zotero because sqlite is still open in Firefox even though zotero is closed.
2)!!! 2014/05/15 am: It still shows the “initial” display leading to “Zotero Quick Start” even though the Data Directory shown in (Gear). Preferences. Advanced. Files and Folders. Show Data Directory leads to the completed restored zotero directory.
3)!!! 2014/05/15 am: The result is the same even after removing the Zotero Add-On, restarting Firefox, and reinstalling Zotero: displays initial “display”; even though Show Data Directory leads to the correct files.
It was working successfully under XP, even though it had tags, cross-references and attachments of papers cited by the main entry.
This may explain the difference in copying the backup "Storage" folder.
Obviously you'll want to do all of this with copies.
It is 976 KB.
And one from 4/16/2014. It is 533 KB
I'll do the 20140509 version first. Failed. See below.
Win7 does not have the same directory address structure as did XP.
Win7 and Firefox doesn't let me meddle with directories while open, like add/change files.
I had assumed that sqlite was either built-in or installed with Zotero. It had been there since 2008.
I think I should install
sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3080403.zip (323.29 KiB)
"This ZIP archive contains a DLL for the SQLite library version for 32-bit x86 processors using the Win32 API."
(sha1: cffece10e19f1fec0c4a62bbe83644c3a14d8bfd)
Archived prior copies from 2008 and 2010 did not open. Should I install this one?