Articles in a Book

Surely there is a way to enter into my Zotero library an article from a book. The article might be written by one author, while the book is edited by someone else. In which case, one must enter the author's name as well as the editor's name.

It seems to be an easy and obvious thing to include, but I've searched now for the last hour and cannot find such a category in the new item options. The closest I get is "Book Section" but it does not allow for the editor's name.

Thanks for any suggestions.

  • I have just joined. I am confused as to why all questions along the lines of "Why can't I indicate the editor(s) of an edited volume *separate from the author of the chapter*" are being answered with "See FAQ." But the FAQ does not address the question.

    When I compile my bibliography, I will need it to say "Schmoe, Joe. 'Why does it rain?' in The Complete Collection of Important Questions, Jane Doe and Bob Vee, eds.

    The current Zotero setup does not allow me to indicate who has written the article, versus who has written the book. There does not seem to be a way to do this, and the FAQ ignores this aspect of edited volumes altogether. Thus, the Book Section format appears to be useful only for chapters of a book, not for an *edited volume.*

    If anybody has discovered a way to do this, please share.
  • From the FAQ, linked by Matthias:
    To add a editor click the + sign on the author line in the right column. This will create an additional Author line. If you click the triangle to the left of the new author field you will be able to change it to an editor.
  • Oh! Somehow I missed the part where you could change the type of author. This is why "See FAQ" seems like an inadequate response on a bulletin board like this (quite likely the person asking has looked at the FAQ but failed to understand). Thank you!
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