Reference in footnote

Hello mates,

I cannot find a way to add a footnote on the inferior part of the page with Zotero using Word. Please refer to the image for further information.

Thank you,
  • You appear to be using an intext style. Try changing to a different one, such as Chicago Manual of Style (full note).
  • Well thank you! Is there a possibility to use the other ones like Chicago Manual of Style (full note), and get the reference as a footnote on the inferior part of the page?
  • I'm not sure I understand your question. First, did CMOS (Full Note) work? Did it put the footnote at the bottom of the page?

    Are you wanting a different style (Other than CMOS) that puts the the citation in a footnote? ... There are others, but I'm not sure what they are.

    Are you asking if an intext style can put the citation in a footnote? ...No, an intext style puts the citation definition.

    Please let us know as specifically as possible what you are wanting to achieve.
  • edited April 5, 2014
    I'd like to use any kind of reference style (ISO-690, Chicago, Harvard, etc.) available for Zotero as a real footnote and not as an intext reference.
  • You cannot use an in-text style as a footnote style. There are over 200 footnote styles to choose from though: (select "note" under Format)
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