Copernicus translator fails to recognize Earth System Dynamics
I'm running ZF + connector=4.0.19 + ZS=4.0.6-6 on debian. ZS>Preferences>Automatically check for updated translators is set, and I just now hit button=Update now. I do atmospheric modeling, so regularly refer to Copernicus pubs. When I browse to
the address bar icon indicates translator=DOI, but this is a Copernicus journal.
the address bar icon indicates translator=DOI, but this is a Copernicus journal.
Any further problems let us know. As I believe you know, we need to add each Copernicus site manually, so very likely there are still many missing.
* updated ZS
* closed ZS
* closed my browser
* restarted my browser
* restarted ZS
* opened the ESD article
and got the appropriate address bar icon.
@adamsmith: "Any further problems let us know." Clicking the translator icon saved all the usual *except* the article's abstract, which I added manually.