Copernicus translator fails to recognize Earth System Dynamics

I'm running ZF + connector=4.0.19 + ZS=4.0.6-6 on debian. ZS>Preferences>Automatically check for updated translators is set, and I just now hit button=Update now. I do atmospheric modeling, so regularly refer to Copernicus pubs. When I browse to

the address bar icon indicates translator=DOI, but this is a Copernicus journal.
  • A translator fix is now up. Your version of Zotero will automatically update within 24hs, or you can update manually using the "Update Now" button in the "General" tab of the Zotero preferences. If you're using Standalone, restart Zotero and your browser after updating.

    Any further problems let us know. As I believe you know, we need to add each Copernicus site manually, so very likely there are still many missing.
  • @adamsmith: "A translator fix is now up." Thanks, I

    * updated ZS
    * closed ZS
    * closed my browser
    * restarted my browser
    * restarted ZS
    * opened the ESD article

    and got the appropriate address bar icon.

    @adamsmith: "Any further problems let us know." Clicking the translator icon saved all the usual *except* the article's abstract, which I added manually.
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