Item type errors with Film and Video - Amazon

When things don't work as expected, it is usually my user error. But I cant find a recent discussion of listing films and videos, including instructional videos. And would welcome some expert input on this.
I am using Windows 7, Zotero 4.0.17 Standalone for Chrome and connectors are up to date. The video recordings we owned were listed in our previous bibliography software.
Amazon has recently taken over Love Film.
When updating our catalogue, I found that the download from shows the correct Video-recording icon in the bar, (hovering shows the Amazon connector is in use) but consistently downloads the titles as item type Book.
This is an on-going error for me. The feature film example I chose this morning is Up, since there is no book version.
If I go to (USA site,) the situation with Up is different - I get a book icon in the bar!
If I go to the IMDB entry for Up, I get the icon Film and the download comes as a film. So that is fine for feature films.
However, I also need to list educational riding videos. This seems inconsistent on Amazon. On the UK site
The icon shows for a Video but I get a download as item type book and no details. But on the USA Amazon site, it shows a video icon and downloads as a video with a basic entry that is correct. Tho, as mentioned on previous threads, it lacks data which would be required in a citation.
If I go to a specialist equestrian site
It isn't possible to bring up the individual title and I don't get a Zotero icon at all. On Carl Hester's own shop site
There is an individual entry but no icon.
Looking for a USA example - the DVD of Centred Riding 1 by Sally Swift (via Google search) from, shows the correct item type on the bar and downloads as a video recording but with no author. In the UK I found it listed on
I get a book icon on the bar, the info is coming as embedded meta data and the info comes down as item type book with no author - though (DVD)is added in the Title field.
I don't have many riding videos - perhaps about 50, but I do like to be able to print out a selected list.
It is possible that others involved in sports coaching, dance etc may have recommendations about using Zotero to list this type of educational material? And the best internet site to use?
  • I am using Windows 7, Zotero 4.0.17 Standalone
    Zotero is currently at 4.0.19, so please update (that won't fix this issue though)

    I fixed the item type. Update your translators via Preferences -> General -> Update Now and give it another shot (restart Chrome).

    If you find some metadata that we could be importing (or importing better) from Amazon, let us know.
  • To address your other points...
    In the UK I found it listed on
    I get a book icon on the bar, the info is coming as embedded meta data and the info comes down as item type book with no author - though (DVD)is added in the Title field.
    The website being a "book depository", they treat all of their items as books. You can see that on the page it says "Book details"
    On Carl Hester's own shop site
    There is an individual entry but no icon. (first two paragraphs). It's impossible for us to support every odd site, so unless site developers embed metadata into the web pages, Zotero doesn't know what is what.
  • Thank you so much. Both Up (Pixar video) and Carl Hester video now down load from with correct icon in the bar and correct item type.
    I have now learned what meta data is, but when I posted my query, I was pretty confused and did not identify the underlying problem. Nor understand that you could fix it, as you have done!
    I updated Zotero -and translators, as you said. Thank you for your help.
    Please dont misunderstand - I am totally content and very grateful to use Amazon uk as a source for videos.. I didnt have any other points or requests.
    I posted the additional examples only because The Zotero Help site seemed to be asking for specific examples. I was just experimenting - It made sense to see if I could get the info about specialist riding videos from specialist riding websites. But I am not expecting you to link them!
    Please regard all the links I pasted in, as coming from a non-IT person without much clue what they were doing. And not expecting an answer or for it to be fixed! Believe me, I am grateful to you at Zotero.
  • you did exactly the right thing by providing examples from different sites and if aurimas's explanations helped you get a better sense of how Zotero works that's great and I'd assume part of his intention.
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