Google Drive add-on for Docs

Google announced yesterday that they will now have add-ons for Docs. It would be great to see Zotero there!
  • This still applies:
    and following posts.

    The equivalent of the easyBib plugin is just drag&drop via quick copy from Zotero, so that pretty much exists already, but actual CWYW would be a lot of work and is unlikely to happen from the Zotero side any time soon.
  • I'm still interested in potentially trying to create a Google Docs add-on for Zotero, but since I'm currently pretty busy with graduate school, my development time is limited. If I do get around to it, though, I'd be happy to do this as a personal project, but ideally I'd love some involvement from the Zotero side (I know your resources are limited, so I'm not talking about much...).
  • discussion on this has started on zotero-dev:!topic/zotero-dev/90ix5AiEOzQ
    that's probably where this should continue until there's anything usable.
  • Cool, thanks for the link. I'll look there.
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