Can not sync for the first time

I have been using Zotero Standalone for Firefox for a while on another laptop - I just got this new one (which is Windows 8 and confusing me greatly anyhow) and installed it here. I am logged in to Zotero online. I want to sync for the first time so that all my records will be usable from this new computer. It does not work - it says "error connecting to server. Check your internet connection" and gives me the option to report error. When I do, that does not work - gives me the following message (but when I hit "next" it tells me "error - invalid response from repository" - and I can do nothing else): uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided.

(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

[JavaScript Error: "Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection." {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/sync.js" line: 652}] uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided.

(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

[JavaScript Error: "Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection." {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/sync.js" line: 652}] uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate is not trusted because no issuer chain was provided.

(Error code: sec_error_unknown_issuer)

[JavaScript Error: "Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection." {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/sync.js" line: 652}]

You can probably tell that I have no idea what any of it means, or what to do about it (am not that computer literate, I just need to transfer the records I need from one computer to another!).

All I know is that the internet connection is fine, and I cannot sync Zotero.

Could someone help - possibly explaining in a very simple way? Sorry and thanks!
  • If you're receiving that message, your internet connection is not fine.

    Start here:
  • Hmmm. I am now using a connection somewhere else, and though like before everything else internet is functioning properly, the problem persists. I followed the link and tried their suggestions, but no luck. Are there any suggestions for what else to try? Really hate to have to start entirely over with my library and also to lose the sync function!
  • edited February 27, 2014
    Well, "internet connection" here includes your own computer, so if you're still using the same computer, that's not surprising. There's a good chance that security software on your system is what's interfering, so if you're running any, you should try disabling it.

    Pretty much the only way to get the error you received above is if something is proxying your traffic to and pretending to be Some (debatably misguided) security software does that so that it can monitor your HTTPS traffic (which normally is encrypted all the way to the destination site), and to do that it has to install something into your browsers so that they don't display the error that is normally displayed when HTTPS traffic is intercepted. But since that that thing wouldn't be installed in Zotero, all Zotero knows is that something is claiming to be that isn't.

    Zotero is just doing what it's supposed to here and protecting you against someone reading your encrypted traffic. So you'll need to figure out what's causing that and disable it, or use Zotero for Firefox (though I'd strongly recommend figuring out what's causing this first).
  • Thanks Dan! My problem is that I have no idea how to go about figuring it out. I disabled my virus protection but this did not solve the problem - turned it back on. Don't know what else to try. Do I really have to give up my entire library because I am a computer idiot? (I have to work offline often) Ugh!
  • Surely you can ask someone at your home institution for help? Library, IT? As Dan points out, this is in principle a generic issue and not Zotero specific.
  • You can transfer your library using option A here, though, if you're in a pinch:
  • Thank you Adam - Am way out in the country here, not too many resources but am trying one lead who can maybe help. MEanwhile I will try to follow the link you provided! THanks
  • edited February 28, 2014
    One thing that might give you a clue what's causing this: load (with an 's') in Firefox (or another browser, but these are the steps for Firefox), click on the padlock to the left of the URL, and click More Information. Then click View Certificate in the window that pops up (Page Info -> Security -> Website Identity). Then take a look at (and let us know) what it says under "Issued By:" and "Validity:".
  • Hi Dan,

    Here's the info under those fields:

    Issued by:
    Common name (CN): Radpid SSL CA
    Organization (O): GeoTrust, Inc
    Organizational Unit (OU) <not part of certificate>

    Issued on: 08/09/2012
    Expires on: 10/10/2012

    Does that info give you any ideas?

    Much appreciated!

  • Could you go to the Details tab in that window, click Export at the bottom, choose "X.509 Certificate with chain (PKCS#7)", and email the resulting file to with a link to this thread?
  • I've just done so. Thank you Dan!
  • OK, so what you sent is actually the correct and valid certificate, which is curious. (I think maybe you just mistyped the Validity section above? The correct dates are 9/7/12 and 10/10/14.) But actually, could you do the same thing for — I forgot that that's the domain you were receiving the error for. Thanks.
  • Hi again Dan!

    You are right, I mistyped - meant to type 10/10/2014.

    Interestingly, when I try to go to the link you provided last ( all that comes up is a white page, all blank except the words in the top left corner "Nothing to see here". Seems odd - does that maybe tell us what the problem is?

    Thank you so much yet again

  • Seems odd - does that maybe tell us what the problem is?
    no, that's right. Do follow the instructions to send the security certificate info from that page, please.
  • OK - done! Sent the email just now.
  • OK, so the certificates were valid on both of those sites, which is good, but it also means that something else is in the problem for Zotero Standalone. Assuming Standalone still isn't working, my best guess is that you have a system proxy configured but have Firefox set to connect directly. If that's not the issue, I'm not really sure what else could be causing this other than some strangely behaving security software.
  • Thanks Dan. Any advice for how to check if that is the issue (and to fix it if it is)?
  • edited March 4, 2014
    Look in your system proxy settings and see if anything is enabled. I don't know off-hand how to do that on Windows 8, but you can ask Google.

    You should also go to the Firefox preferences -> Advanced -> Network -> Connection -> Settings and see what's selected. If it says "Use system proxy settings", then a system proxy isn't the issue.
  • Hello! In Firefox, I had NOT had "use system proxy settings" checked - it is now checked, but the problem persists. Am trying to figure out the Windows 8 settings - unfortunately I am so much not a computer person that nothing I find on Google about it makes the slightest bit of sense to me. Am trying to find help with this - will let you know what happens!
  • Should proxy settings be enabled?
  • for Windows 8 proxies
    do _not_ under any circumstances change any of these settings unless you know exactly what you're doing. Just tell us what they are.
  • Oh my.. I cannot believe this. I have tried to follow the instructions provided on that link, but can not get very far because after choosing, "change pc settings", the options I get are different. There is no "network" option, and therefore I can not see any "proxy" option. The only thing that is founds when I search for "proxy" is the "internet properties" box, with the "connections" tab open. I see nothing about proxies there. Would it be helpful to send you some screen shots?

    Someone else advised me to go to, which I did and it said "no proxy detected".
  • edited March 5, 2014
    If you can't figure it out from online instructions, I'm afraid you'll have to ask someone to help you in person — there's no way for us to provide support for this kind of thing.

    Once you find out whether you have any proxy settings enabled or are running any security software that might be interfering, let us know.
  • edited March 5, 2014
    (For what it's worth, as far as I know you can usually get to the system proxy settings on Windows from within the Internet Explorer or Chrome preferences — I think those both just open up the system proxy dialog box.)
  • Thanks Dan... I will try manually transferring the library in the meantime. Thanks for trying for so long!
  • Hello - thought I should update you on what happened - it seemed to have worked as Standalone is in the process of syncing now! I finally found the proxy settings and UNchecked "use a proxy server for your LAN" (under "LAN settings"). It seems to be working now - I hope it is safe to have unchecked that!? Thanks so much for all your help, I really appreciate it!
  • yes, that should be safe to uncheck.
  • woohooo! sorted - thanks!
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