No option in Firefox window (choose where to download file) when klick on pdf in W.O.K.

the last zotero version worked quite well. but now i have a little problem to download pdf files, when i few it on web of knowledge(W.O.K.). firefox doesn't give me a option to sent the pdf directly to zotero library. well i can insert a screenshot, the pdf and other stuff when i am not clicking the "view pdf" button on W.O.K.

is there a problem with zotero, firefox or with my settings on each program?

help is appreciated.
  • sorry guys i didn't know that i should keep the stand alone of zotero closed.

    have a nice day
  • How exactly are you trying to save? If you're using both Zotero Standalone and Zotero for Firefox and they're configured to share the same data directory (which the are by default), then if you have Standalone open Zotero for Firefox will operate in "connector" mode, which means you'll still have the icon in the address bar to save to your library but you won't be able to view your library itself in a pane in Firefox.

    If you close Standalone then Zotero for Firefox will switch into full mode, but you shouldn't need to do that if you don't want to.
  • Oh, I guess maybe you're referring to the "Save to Zotero" option in the Open/Save dialog in Firefox? It's true that that won't work in Firefox if Standalone is open, but if you're on a supported site you shouldn't really be using that option anyway — you should use the address bar icon to save, which will generally produce better metadata than using Retrieve Metadata on just the saved PDF file.
  • hey dan,

    first of all thanks for your fast and very good advice. You are right with your last point. for me it's actually easyer to use zotero in firefox without opening the standalone version, because i can always work with this program even if i forget about opening the standalone version.

    best wishes from germany. have a nice day
  • Actually, this feature is useful when using google scholar to find a pdf. In that case, being able to 'save to zotero' and retrieve metadata is very handy. Otherwise, I have to save the pdf and drag to Zotero. Unless I'm missing a trick?
  • In many cases using the URL bar icon will attach the PDF, including from Google Scholar (specifically, if it's listed on the right, Zotero will try). But beyond that — this won't happen in the connectors, so if you're attached to that feature, you need to stick with Zotero for Firefox at least during research/import.
  • Ah, I hadn't spotted that. Just tried it and it works. That actually works as well as the alternative (clicking to open the pdf, then saving to Zotero). Thanks adamsmith.
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