Error Report Number 1288785931

I'm getting a Zotero Integration Error with the following text: Zotero could not load the component required to communicate with your word processor. Please ensure that the appropriate extension is installed and try again.

I'm running Mac OSX Ver. 10.7.5 and just downloaded the newest version of Zotero.

When I tried to open Zotero to check the version. I got this message: Existing Zotero Library Found - This appears to be the first time using Zotero Standalone. Would you like Zotero Standalone to import settings from Zotero for Firefox and use your existing data dictonary?

Do I want to do this or not and if I do, will that take care of the error message?
  • Yes you do want this and there's a good chance that it will take care of the error message, but no guarantees.
  • That message is coming from Firefox, where you have an extremely old version of the Word plugin installed. Install the latest version from and make sure you have automatic updates enabled for Firefox extensions.
  • Yes, that seemed to help but now there's a new problem. I imported a newly published reference and the citation in the reference section is correct in that the article was published in hard copy in 2014 but the text citation says 2013 which is when the article was published early on-line. Is there some sort of default that can be used to have the year be the year something was published in hard copy.

    Here's what happened.

    (Yang & Debold, 2013)

    Y. Tony Yang and Vicky Debold. A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of Nonmedical Exemption Law and Vaccine Uptake on Vaccine-Targeted Disease Rates. American Journal of Public Health: February 2014, Vol. 104, No. 2, pp. 371-377.
    doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2013.301538
  • The date field is probably just filled in wrong in Zotero. Publisher metadata isn't always precise enough to get this right, so you'll have to fix this by hand.
    Which citation style is this?
  • The bibliography doesn't even resemble APA, something is not right. Here is how that item should look:

    Yang, Y. T., & Debold, V. (2014). A longitudinal analysis of the effect of nonmedical exemption law and vaccine uptake on vaccine-targeted disease rates. American Journal of Public Health, 104(2), 371–377. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301538

    That's also what you should get importing from: (minus the sentence case). Try re-importing and re-inserting that item.
  • Sorry, I don't what citation style it is that I sent you. Here's APA and it's correct. Fixing the citation in Zotero worked fine. Thanks much.

    Yang, Y. T., & Debold, V. (2014). A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of Nonmedical Exemption Law and Vaccine Uptake on Vaccine-Targeted Disease Rates. American Journal of Public Health, 104(2), 371–377. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2013.301538
  • (note that you need to convert titles to sentence case in Zotero to get actually correct APA:
  • Got it. Thanks. I think I'll switch over to a different citation style so I don't have to go back through and do all of that.
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