edit citation number

Hello to everyone
I'm a new zotero user and I've a question about the word plugin.
It possible to modify the first citation number?
For example is possible that my fist citation has number 5 or 12?
And the nex citation is 6 or 13, and so on?
I want to split a file in two file and I want that the citation numbering of the fileB continue from the file A
Thanks in advance

  • That is currently not possible with the word plug-in. Even if that was adopted there would still be the issue of creating a bibliography at the end of the document that contains all the references in both documents. For the time being the Word plugin is really only functional for projects in a single document.

    If you want to use multiple documents you are probably better off using Zotero's drag and drop citation functions, or the short cut keys and then just managing the references as plain text.
  • Hello,
    I have the same question that Sergio asked 5 years ago.
    Is it still impossible to start the reference numbers from a value larger than 1?
    Thank you in advance,
  • no changes on this and nothing planned, either.
    If you really need this, you can just insert x references at the beginning of a document and then delete them in both the bib and the cite when you're finished editing.
  • Thank you! That will work.
  • Any intention of adding this feature?
  • I don't think so, no.
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