Difference between references and Bibliography, how to insert entire library

hi all,

my institution requires not only the references cited in my research, but they want a Bibliography which has all the works read in preparation for my writing. I have created a folder specific to this work that has everything I found, used or not, and would like to insert it in its entirety for the bibliography.

Is there a way to do this without creating a new document, citing every piece, making a references and copying that to my Bibliography?

Thank you in advance!!
  • Select all the items in Zotero, right-click, "Create bibliography from items".
  • edited January 26, 2014
    Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but couldn't you just right click on the collection, select Create Bibliography from Collection etc.?
    edit: or what bwiernik says. Makes no difference.
  • Ah, yes that does it, thank you. I didn't realize there was an option within the program, I was limiting myself to the add-ins for Word. Thank You!!
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