doesnt support Chinese character
in google scholar, when i click "export to endnote", zotero will import it automatically, but if the literature is in Chinese, zotero cant recognize Chinese character, what imported will be something like this: $&^%%(&*$&^&%%(*&)(&)(&*(*)&. what's wrong???
if somebody wants to try, go to Chinese google scholar:, and search:经济
hope somebody can help me
thanks very much
if somebody wants to try, go to Chinese google scholar:, and search:经济
hope somebody can help me
thanks very much
ps. this is a very important function. Because if you couldnt find the paper from a website which supports the Z, you can find it in goole scholar possibly. even if google doesnt have abstrats, but Author, Volume, Date, Pages are all can be imported, i really dont wanna type numbers one by one.
thx for your concern!!