Zotero standalone won't start in Ubuntu

Hey all.

I have been using Zotero standalone for several months now, but ever since one of the 4.0.17 updates it will not start. I am running Ubuntu 12.04 on a Chromebook through crouton. Clicking on it either through the Dash or the executable directly gives no response at all. It was installed through the installer script found here https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/25317/install-zotero-standalone-from-ubuntu-linux-mint-ppa/%5d. I have tried uninstalling it and installing/running the package from the Zotero website, but still nothing. The same with older versions.

I don't have a lot of experience with Linux, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • What do you see if you run zotero from the command line?
  • I tried the commands "zotero" and "zotero &" in /opt/zotero where the executable seems to be. The output was "/usr/bin/zotero: line 3: ./zotero: No such file or directory".
  • Looking into things a bit more there is a shell script called zotero in /usr/bin. It's contents are:
    cd /opt/zotero

    So I guess ./zotero is missing, but I'm not really sure what my next step is.
  • Can you tell us what you see when you try to launch ./zotero from inside the directory of our the official distribution from our website? We don't distribute the PPA and can't support it.
  • I downloaded the 32-bit version and now it works! For some reason both the PPA and the Zotero downloads page thought I was 64-bit. Running uname -m also tells me I am 64-bit, however I am almost certain this is not the case. Oh well, Zotero works now. Thank you for your help.
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