show folder does not work using linux

When I select an pdf attachment two buttons appear on the right side: the left one for showing the pdf in the browser window (this works).

The right one is for opening the directory containing the respective file. When I used windows this works and is a big help.
Using Linux (Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE4) and clicking on this button does nothing. So I have no apparent possibility to show the file, but this is important, e.g. for sending pdfs via email and many other tasks. And the ID like naming of the directories by zotero is now a problem. Because I could not find this ID in zotero itself.

I would be very pleased, if somebody have an solution for my problem....

  • The "Show File" button does work in Ubuntu 8.04 - it opens a Nautilus window in the directory where the file attachment is stored.

    I wonder if the issue isn't with the integration between Firefox and KDE, in particular because you're using KDE4. I don't know that all of the integration is finished for KDE4. Can you try with KDE3?

    You could also try enabling debug output to see if there are any interesting error messages.

    For reference, here's the debug output when the "Show File" button works as expected with Nautilus/Ubuntu:
    zotero(5): SELECT linkMode, path FROM itemAttachments WHERE itemID=9811
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