Pesky DOI numbers

Hi Everybody,
I've been instructed by my professor to leave off the DOI numbers when citing journal articles obtained electronically (as in all of my journal articles). Yet, Zotero is dutifully plugging them in at the end of every citation, like this:
Elmesky, R. (2005). “I Am Science and the World Is Mine”: Embodied Practices as Resources for Empowerment. School Science and Mathematics, 105(7), 335–342. doi:10.1111/j.1949-8594.2005.tb18052.x

Now I know I can just delete that last little tail of numbers at the end, but is there another way I can do this so I don't have to go through all 50 of them when I make a bibliograpy?
Thank you!
  • Which citation style? It is likely the style manual calls for the DOIs (such as APA). You will need to change to another style or modify the one you are using.
  • Thank you!
    It is APA style, which does require you to use DOI numbers, according to the website. Is it possible to modify my Zotero output in APA format, or should I just try to convince her that DOI numbers are not superfluous?
  • I recommend the latter. If need be, you can also use APA 5th edition from the repository - - it may have some other problems, but no DOIs.
  • Exactly, just show her the APA style specifications and persuade her that it is meant to be like that.

    Changing professors is always recommended over changing styles :)
  • Thanks everybody! She has been converted!
  • I was really disheartened to find this thread. One of the major concerns that many end-users have about zotero is how absolutely difficult it is to modify styles if you don't have knowledge of how to code. We are dependent on the wonderfully active community, but that's not really a solution - when you are preparing a paper, and want to modify a style, you can't wait for someone on the other end of a discussion forum to modify it for you out of his/her good will.

    EndNote was SO easy for this. I switched to Zotero years ago and am now really tied into the system. But I really, really wish that I could modify styles. Switching professors, or insisting that users have DOIs in their footnotes, while mentioned as jokes, seems to reveal a major flaw in the way that Zotero works.

    How *would* one go about removing DOI from the footnote produced by, say, the Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition Full note?
  • There's a GUI citation style editor that's been out for over a year.
    Open Chicago style, click on the DOI in the sample citation, click on the minus sign at the top left, click on "Info" towards the top of the left pane and change the title of the style (you can leave everything else), click on the "Style" menu option at select "Save Style" and follow the instructions.

    (That said, both the Chicago Manual and I strongly suggest you use DOIs).
  • Ooooh. Eating crow now.

    It works and it is awesome.

    Thank you.

    RE the DOIs, they were eating a line of text each in my footnotes. Must go!
  • edited January 14, 2014
    It is great that we can edit our own styles, but to keep everything in sync, it would be really great if you could reconsider including an official version of the Chicago styles without DOIs. Much as I like the idea, the reality is that they're widely rejected by editors; and even in cases where I have wanted to use them, it hasn't been practical. Due to the lack of support for DOIs on book sections and other formats, it's not even possible to create a bibliography with Zotero that consistently includes them.
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