Default language for inserting pages

We know that it is possible to change the settings so Zotero will give you the norwegian s. for page instead of p. as is default. I can change this in extensions.zotero.export.bibliographyLocale by writing nb-NO for norwegian. I did not come up with this myself,not at all, but one of our students did some research on his own. Anyway, while doing this we do get a warning that it is not recommended, and I have heard that this can lead to Zotero not working on a Mac. Do you recommend us not to do this language switch? Do we ask for trouble? We just need to know what to tell our students who sees it as a problem that its not in norwegian:o)
  • the warning that you're getting is not from Zotero, but a generic Firefox/Mozilla warning to be careful when editing preferences in about:config - but as long as you're just changing the value of that specific preferences there is no risk at all.
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