No icon in address bar when Standalone is opened before Firefox

If I open Zotero Standalone, and then open Firefox, no icon appears in the address bar. I can resolve this easily enough by closing Zotero Standalone, restarting Firefox and then re-opening Standalone, but I assume this is not intended behaviour.

I think all my software is up-to-date - Firefox 24.0, Standalone 4.0.11 and Firefox extension 4.0.12. I'm not getting any error reports generated.

I've seen a couple of other posts that mention this issue (e.g. here and here) but none seem to resolve this issue itself.

Thanks for your thoughts!
  • Is this still the case the the 4.0.15 releases?
    And you don't have the httpServer.enabled hidden pref set to true (it's set to false by default - you'd have to have done that manually and on purpose). That might interfere with how Standalone and Firefox work together.
  • As far as I can tell, this is no longer a problem with the new release. I'll let you know if problems start again. Thanks!
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