button for setting url and accessed field in info to current page

hello. thanks for the great work so far. i am really impressed by the wealth of functions.

I have realized that very often I want to set or update the url field manually in the info tab. The url can be copied relatively fast from the location bar, but what is rather annoying, is to set the date in the "accessed" field manually.

I would love to see a button next to the url field "set to current page" which automatically sets the url and the accessed fields. it would also help to have a button next to the accessed field "set to now".

Thanks again for the great tool. keep up the good work.
  • I had the same thought, then I realized there's a good workaround for doing this with new items (though not for updating old ones).
    Suppose, e.g. you want to bring into your library a draft manuscript from an author's zotero-unrecognized webpage. Instead of clicking New Item/Manuscript and entering all the fields manually, just hit the 'Create New Item from Current Page' button. Then in the right pane, change the item type from Web Page to Manuscript, and edit the Title, Author, etc. The URL field will already contain the address of the web page, and the access date. Finally, you can drag the link for the manuscript text from the webpage to attach it to your new citation item.
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