Tiddlywiki as a Zotero database presentation layer

Tiddlywiki is a self-contained, self sufficient HTML file which is self-modifying. It allows a user to create a "personal" wiki that is easily moved and can be maintained on any computer using any browser.

An option to initiate a TiddlyWiki styled update from Zotero addition actions to a Zotero database would be very powerful. It would allow a Zotero User a means to see from a single browser page a dynamic, hyperlinked view of all research contained in the Zotero database.

Tiddlywki is created by Jeremy Ruston, Head of Open Source Innovation at British Telecom. He can be reached at jeremy (at) osmosoft (dot) com . The TiddlyWiki website is http://www.tiddlywiki.com/ .
  • An interesting idea. I've also thought that some kind of Tiddlywiki-Zotero interaction/hybridization would be useful. For example, the tiddlywiki way of presenting notes (views are possible with more than one note per screen), has an advantage that I like in a note taking program: the ability to take and use reading notes (=notes taken while reading books, articles, etc) either in sequence (showing the original flow of the arguement) or as atoms, which is what I generally want to sort, group and arrange in preparation for my own writing process.
  • I'd really like to see a nice integration of these two!

    For the moment I use tiddlywiki-templates, iframes and zoter://report/ urls to at least get a connection from what I'm writing in tiddly to my references in Zotero. I thought I'd mentioned this here in case you're interested. And maybe I can inspire someone to implement a better solution... :)

    This is my template:
    !Report from Zotero
    <iframe frameborder=0 height=300 width=100% marginwidth=0 scrolling=auto
    IFrames are not supported by your browser.</iframe>

    The tiddler I copy to create new references:
    <<tiddler [[ZoteroRefTemplate]] with:"7977">>
    (7977 is the id of a placeholder note/item in zotero)

    And the button to create a new reference:
    <<newTiddler label:"new reference" tag:referens title:"Ny referens" text:{{store.getTiddlerText("NewZoteroRef")}}>>

  • It's worth mentioning that the method dsjolie describes won't be possible in 1.0.8 from documents hosted via HTTP/HTTPS, as, for security reasons, loading or linking to zotero:// URLs will be disabled from those schemes. In the latest 1.0 dev builds it may not work for file:/// URLs either, but we're going to try to change that if possible before 1.0.8.
  • Ok...

    I saw you mentioning elsewhere in this forum that "There will be web-based ways to access data stored on the server"... I hope this means that we could have some way to link to/integrate Zotero-data into other online setups? Something like a JSON-interface would be nice!
  • This works if you have synced the database to the server:

    +++[Report from Zotero web]...
    <iframe frameborder=0 height=300 width=100% marginwidth=0 scrolling=auto
    IFrames are not supported by your browser.</iframe>

    I.e., same approach as above with another url...
  • I use TiddlyWiki to see my Zotero attached files (pdf, webpages...) even when I'm not online, using the method of dsjolie (post of Aug 28th 2008):

    You just need to change:




    where $1 is the id of an attachment.

    Or you can just create a tiddler with the id of the attachment you want to see. For instance:

    !Attachment from Zotero
    <iframe frameborder=0 height=300 width=100% marginwidth=0 scrolling=auto
    IFrames are not supported by your browser.</iframe>

  • Is anyone still using tiddlywiki as an interface to Zotero, especially with the current version of Zotero?
  • 2+ years later, and I find myself back on this same thread ... Is anyone out there playing with Tiddlyspace (probably) and Zotero interaction? Let me know, I'd be interested: steve@sunyit.edu
  • Bumb

    Using TiddlyWiki in combination with zotero is a really nice idea. It would be perfect if it was possible to integrate and reference zotero-links from inside tiddlywiki.

    I understand that cross-referencing a zotero url (zotero://attachment/xxx) is a potential security thread, but why is it not possible from a link stored in a file (file:///...)?

    Any ideas?
  • Even though this is not optimal, here is a setup that makes it more comfortable to work with zotero and tiddlywiki:

    1) Create or download an export translator (https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/translators/coding#export_translators)

    e.g. https://gist.github.com/ColdDevil/9217300

    you can modify it to create a list of items "li" wrapped in a list "ul" instead of a simple "br" after each item.

    2) change the default hotkey export-settings in zotero
    Zotero preferences ~ Export Settings ~ Default: "Zotselect Link"

    3) integrate a link
    everytime you want to integrate a zotero reference in your wiki export it with the hotkey

    4) open a link
    if you want to access a zotero element from the wiki, drag the link as a new tab in the browser's tab-bar and go to that page to see that zotero has selected the item for you. (due to the same origin policy you cannot open the link by clicking)
  • I thought it would be useful to link this forum thread to an equivalent one for Tiddlywiki: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/tiddlywiki/8FxoWlxYO34/discussion
  • Thanks for providing a link to this topic.

  • ...and more than 10 years since I last posted in this thread: TiddlyWiki v 5.3.0 now includes an API interface that works well with tiddlywiki and imports zotero groups flawlessly. See it in action: https://tiddlyzotero-v2.tiddlyhost.com/ (v1 imported .bib files expored using better bibtex)....
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