Extracting metadata from pdf not working


I've been using Zotero for a couple of months without any problem.
Somehow, today I can't retrieve metadata and syncing process between Z-Standalone and Z-Firefox extension is really slow.

I already tried to retrieve metadata from papers that a time ago I obtained metadata, just as a way to test if are my PDFs or what.

The Debug Id that I'm obtaining is D1514764086.

Can you help me? Thanks!
  • Dan will be around shortly to take a look at that Debug ID, but..
    syncing process between Z-Standalone and Z-Firefox extension is really slow
    what exactly do you mean by syncing here? I think you may have your Zotero Standalone and Zotero for Firefox configured incorrectly (unless you have a good reason to do so).

    Can you open Zotero Standalone and then open the Zotero pane in Firefox at the same time?
  • Hi aurimas,

    Thanks for your answer. I fixed the problem.
    I did the following:

    1) Delete and instal again the pdfinfo and pdftext documents.
    2) In the data directory location I selected custom and then I pressed use profile directory.
    3) Finally, I restart my firefox, clean all the add-ons and install the .net and zotero add-on.

    I tried all that separately and did not work, but now that I did together -before trying anything- the problem is fixed.

    I'm not sure if the solution is in only one of the steps or in the combination of them. Hope this thread could help others with similar problems.

    Thanks again.
  • Glad to hear that PDF metadata retrieval is working for you now. Still, I wonder if your Zotero Standalone and Zotero for Firefox are sharing the same data directory (they should). Could you try this:
    Can you open Zotero Standalone and then open the Zotero pane in Firefox at the same time?
  • No, I can't open both together. If I have the Standalone open, when I press the Zotero pane in Firefox the standalone jumps on. I checked and both have the same same info, so, I guess they are sharing the same data directory, it's that alright?
  • yes, that's exactly how it should be. You're good then.
  • Great! Tank you again for all the prompt and complete help.
    May I ask you one ore thing: In the Advance Preferences, at the OpenURL, appears the worldcat one, it's that ok? should I keep it like that?

  • That's only used when you click on the "Locate" button (the green arrow pointing right, that's immediately to the right of the search box). It has no effect on retrieve metadata. Worldcat is the default, so that's fine, yes.
  • Perfect! Once again, thanks!
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